

枕畔[zhěn pàn]


枕畔 双语例句

1. 不知这能否依然还可以承载那份浓意至你的枕畔
    I do not know whether it can continue to carry that thick Italian banks to your pillow?

2. 枕畔的反义词

2. 如果说,高山上的湖水是地球表面的一滴眼泪,那么,我枕畔的泪水,会不会是挂在你心间的一面湖水?
    If we say that the lake is a mountain on the Earth's surface tear, then I pillow River of tears, will not be hung on the lake side of your heart?

3. 枕畔什么意思

3. 在这漫漫复漫漫的路上,我知道,我终会在静静的夜里于枕畔上,无法抗拒地听到那来自远方的歌声
    In this long long way to recovery, I know that I will eventually be in the quiet night on the pillow on the River, could not resist to hear that voice coming from afar......

4. 枕畔

4. 她一定不会知道我有多想她,无数个夜里泪湿枕畔,无数个难眠的深夜都因想她想到心生疼。
    She doesn't know how much I want her, and countless tears ZhenPan wet night, innumerable sleep late because of her heart to sole was painful.

5. 枕畔的反义词

5. 离去,只为了更深的觉醒,更彻底的伤痛,那些在每一个失眠的午夜抵达枕畔无法泅渡的清醒和幻梦。
    Leaving, is just for the deeper disenchantment, the more radical pains, in the sobriety and illusion of every sleepless nights that won't be able to get through.

6. 枕畔是什么意思

6. 在这漫漫复漫漫的路上,我知道,我终会在静静的夜里于枕畔上,无法抗拒地听到那来自远方的歌声。。。。。。
    In this long long road rehabilitation, I know, I will eventually be in the quiet of the night in Ocean Shores on the pillow, unable to resist to hear that voice from far away......
