

析疑[xī yí]

词典resolve [dispel

词典clear up] doubts

词典clear up a doubtful point析疑。

析疑 汉英大词典

析疑[xī yí]


[书] resolve [dispel; clear up] doubts; clear up a doubtful point

析疑 网络解释

1. 析疑是什么意思

1. toresolveadoubt:析取disjunctionsscorificationscorify | 析疑toresolveadoubt | 西west

析疑 双语例句

1. 有知道情况的妈妈能帮忙析疑吗?
    Are aware of the situation of the mother can help析疑it?

2. 答案与解释与析疑:D。
    B. I`m sorry to hear that.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 问答析疑,生动活泼。段文杰先生的见解,对青年美术工作者是很有启发的,包头师专的师生们一致认为获益匪浅。
    He discusses how to understand the art of Dunhuang and the artistic techniques of imagination and exaggeration and also...

4. 析疑是什么意思

4. 通过对宪政概念的析疑,梳理出组成宪政概念的诸多要素:人权、民主、法治、分权、平等、立宪、选举等等。
    At the same time, the formative background and the evolutionary development of Yen Fu's constitutional thought was also divided and studied.

5. 具体表现在三个方面:其一,对关键新词深挖细探,辨误析疑,在有关概念的发现和厘定上深造自得,独辟新境。
    Firstly, he deeply studies the derivation of important terminologies and find some new meanings.

6. 析疑

6. 对一份渗透检测报告的析疑
    A discussion on a penetrant testing report

7. 体例以析疑为重点,对经、史句法修辞疏误纰漏之处,多有批评订正。
    The style takes resolving doubts as the key point. Errors and faults on syntax and rhetoric in confucian classics and history books had been revised.

8. 间接测量值的有效数字问题析疑
    Analysis of the Problem Concerning the Effective Figures in Indirect Measurement

9. 《三天谋杀一个乡村作家》:阐释、批判与析疑
    Murdering A Rural Writer in Three Days: Interpretation, Criticism and Clarification

10. 大学学报归类析疑
    Analysis of the Classification Means of Journals of Colleges

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. 中国大陆沿海地震海啸析疑
      To Dispel Doubts on Historical Earthquake Tsunamies Along China Mainland Coast

12. 析疑的解释

12. 知识产权权利客体析疑
      Analysis on the Right Object of IP
