

杳无音讯[yǎo wú yīn xùn]


杳无音讯 双语例句

1. 杳无音讯

1. 18天过去了,她杳无音讯
    Days have past and I haven't heard from her at all.

2. 杳无音讯

2. 可惜的是,二个多月过去了,一切杳无音讯
    It's a pity that two months passed, but not a single response was received.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 我是说,那家伙早就了杳无音讯
    I mean, we haven't heard oneword from him...

4. 杳无音讯什么意思

4. 然而,我等了几十天,却还是杳无音讯
    However, I waited for dozens of days, and I got no news about the results of the investigation.

5. 一年多来,他们一直期盼洽谈继续,但对方杳无音讯
    Over the past year, they had hoped for negotiations to continue, but the Yaowuyinxun.

6. 自己的一个相关报告,90%的人员都就此杳无音讯了,这意味着他们大多被捕和处
    Heard from again, according to a report from the CIA itself, meaning they were most

7. 杳无音讯的反义词

7. 职业生涯的前40份简历,杳无音讯
    The first 40 resumes of my career I sent without response.

8. 科林被他打了一顿后就离家出走了,从此杳无音讯
    After his beating Colin ran away and hasn't been heard of since

9. 杳无音讯的反义词

9. 库柏)从被他劫持并要求20万美元赎金的西北东方航空的飞机上乘降落伞降落(从此杳无音讯)。
    B. Cooper) parachutes from the Northwest Orient Airlines plane he hijacked with US $ 200, 000 in ransom money (he was never heard from again).

10. 杳无音讯的反义词

10. 从此,北方武士就杳无音讯了。
    Since then, no one has heard from northern Samurai any more.

11. 而说到后续工作,在一家公司面试几周过后,依然杳无音讯,这样的情况并不鲜见。
      And speaking of following up, it's not at all unusual to interview with a company and hear nothing for several weeks afterward.

12. 杳无音讯在线翻译

12. 可如果你主动请缨接受新的挑战,最终却杳无音讯该怎么办?
      What if your offer to take on new challenges falls on deaf ears?

13. 事实上,几个月来他都杳无音讯
      In fact, I had not seen hide nor hair of him in months.
