杳无人烟[yǎo wú rén yān]
词典deserted:( 地方) 无人居住的;空寂无人的;被抛弃的;被遗弃的。
词典remote and desolate:杳无人烟。
杳无人烟[yǎo wú rén yān]
remote and desolate; uninhabited; deserted
1. 在这一地方的十英里的周围内杳无人烟。
In this place ten miles around there is no signs of human habitation.
2. 他必须单独到杳无人烟的地方
They had to go to a place of complete solitude.
3. 这是一片可怕的、无边无缘的、杳无人烟的土地。
It was horrible, fenceless and vast, without a trace of green
4. 杳无人烟的反义词
4. 那里风景如画,有充足的食物,而且很安全,只是杳无人烟。
Food and shelter would be provided but you would not seeanother person.
5. 杳无人烟的意思
5. 大片的土地上杳无人烟。
Lots of land but very little people here.
6. 除了几个零星的小山村之外,这个地区杳无人烟。
The region is uninhabited except for a few scattered mountain villages.
7. 杳无人烟的解释
7. 新界东北岸等地现在仍是一派杳无人烟的天然美景。
Parts of the landscape, such as the Northeast New Territories, are still wild, beautiful, and basically uninhabited.
8. 杳无人烟的翻译
8. 我也没有什么工作可做,只有用自己的双手辛苦劳作。我老是对自己说,我就像被丢弃在一个杳无人烟的荒岛上行。生于加尔各答。属刹帝利神姓。早年在加尔各答研读西,形单影只,雀然一身。可是,当人们把自己目前的处境与境况更糟的人相比时,老天往往会让他们换一换地位,好让他们以自己的亲身阅历,体会过去生活的幸福。老天爷这么做是十分公道的。对此,我们人人都得好好反省一下。我把自己目前的生活,比作荒岛上孤独的生活,结果我真的命中注定要过这种生活,那正是因为我不应该不满足于当前的境遇。老天爷这样对待我,也真是天公地道的。要是我真的继续我当时的生活,也许我可以变成个大富翁呢!
I had no body to converse with but now and then Neighbour; no Work to be done, but by the Labour of my Hands; and I used to say, I liv'd just like a Man cast some desolate Island, that had no body there but how just has it been, and how should all Men reflect, that when they compare their present Conditions with others that are worse, Heaven may oblige them to make the Exchange, and be convinc'd of their former Felicity by their Experience: I say, how just has it been, that the truly solitary Life I reflected on in an Island of meer Desolation should be my Lot, who had so of unjustly compar'd it with the Life which I then led, which had I continued, I had in all Probability been exceeding prosperous and rich.