1. 庆幸聚餐后要清理杯盘狼籍的场所,因为那意味着我的周围有许多朋友。
For the mess to clean after a party, because it means that I have been surrounded by friends.
2. 门一开,一股恶臭扑鼻而来,厨房里杯盘狼籍、堆满了垃圾和过期的食物,屋子成为虫虫的天下。
The sink is filled with stack of dirty dishes and the rest of the kitchen is covered with bags of garbage and expired food.
3. 杯盘狼籍
3. 餐桌上杯盘狼籍,烟缸里堆满烟灰。
The table is covered with dirty plate and the ashtray is full.