

Li Li Li;
李斯狗枷 双语例句

1. 李斯狗枷什么意思

1. 王义恭癖爱古物,到处向朝中的官员求讨。侍中何已送给他过,但王义恭还是向他要个不休,何被搅得很不高兴。一次何出行,看到丢弃在路上的狗戴的项圈和破的围裙,就命手下人捡了回去,用箱子装好后送给王义恭,附信说:承蒙你一再要古物,现奉上李斯狗枷,相如犊鼻。
    Why to go out row, see the necklace that discards to be worn in the dog on the road and broken apron, collected with respect to life subordinate go back, good with case outfit evacuation gives Wang Yigong, covering letter says: Be indebted to you to want ancient objects again and again, act according to now on Li Si dog cangue, similar (on the Zhao Guo when the Warring States dear) calf is nose....
