

Li Gonglin;
李公麟 网络解释

1. 李公麟的近义词

1. Li Gonglin:李大钊 Li Dazhao* | 李公麟 Li Gonglin* | 李鸿章 Li Hongzhang*

李公麟 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 约于公元11世纪中叶宋神宗时期,由于郭熙,崔白,李公麟的相继涌现,使山水,花鸟及人物画都突破原来的格局而展现出新的艺术风貌,苏轼,文同等文人画亦形成独特的艺术风格;世俗美术也有了很大的发展。
    At about the mid-11th century AD during the SongShenzong, due to GuoXi CuiBai, Li Gunglin and others have emerged, To landscapes, flowers and birds painting, and portraits are all breaking the pattern of the original show and the new art style. SuShi, WenTong and others formed an equal literati painting unique artistic style; Secular art had also been great development.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 著名的画家更是不计其数,如擅长人物画的李公麟,风俗画的张择端、苏汉臣、李嵩,山水画的董源、巨然、李成、范宽、郭熙、米芾、米友仁、李唐、刘松年、马远、夏圭、赵佰驹、赵伯骕等,花鸟画的宋徽宗赵佶、黄居寀、赵昌、易元吉、李迪、林椿、法常等。
    Those noted artists included: figure painter Li gonglin; genre painters Zhang Zeduan, Su hanchen and Li Song; landscape painters Dong Yuan, Ju-ran, Li Cheng, Fan Kuan, Guo Xi, Mi Fu, Mi Youren, Li Tang, Liu Songnian, Ma Yuan, Xia Gui, Zhao Baiju and Zhao Bosu; flower-and-bird painters Zhao Ji, Huang Jucai, Zhao Chang, Yi Yuanji, Li Di, Lin Chun and Fa-chang.

3. 李公麟

3. 从《浴马图卷》看,虽无李公麟劲健清骨,却精巧秀逸过之。
    Yan senior `s brushstrokes are bold and vigorous, but inferior to those of his son.

4. 例2 《中国古代书画》,p.46宋代画马以李公麟为最著。赵孟頫的绘画力追唐宋,自称可以与李公麟抗衡。
    The celebrated Southern Song Dynasty artist, Yan Ciping, was a son of Yan Zhong, the eminent painter of buffalos in the Academy of Painting.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 其次,通过他与周肪、李公麟的比较,进一步说明他对前人的借鉴学习与变法,法古而不泥古,数变其法,学而异之。
    Secondly, by comparing with the painting of Zhou Fang and Li Gonglin, we could know that Chen Hongshou had learned from their paintings a lot, but in his painting he had changed and creatively improved his skills and methods in different way.
