




杆儿 双语例句

1. 如果丢给它一根整杆儿的,它啃得比老鼠还快。
    If throw to its the whole pole son of, it chew quicker than rat.

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2. 他跳得比杆儿高出三英寸。
    He jumped three inches clear of the bar.

3. 杆儿的意思

3. 杆儿腐烂后会成为很好的肥料。
    The stalks will rot and make good fertilizer.

4. 杆儿是什么意思

4. 咱们把这根杆儿在地上插好。
    Let's fix the pole in the ground properly.

5. 高高的甘蔗在信风中弯下腰杆儿
    Tall stalks of sugarcane bend in the trade winds.

6. 黑色的烟袋杆儿,金色的烟袋锅儿,这样的标志真可谓生动形象至极。
    Black YanDai GanEr, golden YanDaiGuo son, this sign is extremely vivid.

7. 杆儿的近义词

7. 细长的街道好似烟袋杆儿,东头入口像烟袋嘴儿,西头入口折向南边,通往银锭桥,看上去活象烟袋锅儿。
    The street is slender, YanDai GanEr head east entrance YanDai mouth, like to south, quanzhou entrance to fold after looking like bridge YanDaiGuo son.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 然后下一件你所知道的事就是你成了光杆儿司令了,没人再跟你了。
    He'll tell you, 'I think you're losing it', and then the next thing you know you're on your own because they've left you.

9. 你是一人将军,光杆儿司令。
    You are a one-man army.

10. 杆儿

10. 当时司机看到四周都是荒凉的雪地,只剩下一辆光杆儿机车,后面的列车也不见了。这时,他明白了刚才发生的一切。
    It would be prudent to continue on to Omaha, for it would be dangerous to return to the train, which the Indians might still be engaged in pillaging.

11. 杆儿

11. 当时司机看到四周都是荒凉的雪地,只剩下一辆光杆儿机车,后面的列车也不见了。
      Neither the engIneer nor the stoker was dead, and, after remaining for some time in their swoon, had come to themselves.

12. 杆儿

12. 当时司机看到四周都是荒凉的雪地,只剩下一辆光杆儿机车,后面的列车也不见了。
      Towards two o'clock in the afternoon, while it was snowing hard, long whistles were heard approaching from the east.

13. 下属纷纷跳槽,他成了一个光杆儿司令。
      With his subordinates leaving their positions one after another, he has become a leader without any followers.

14. 杆儿的意思

14. 晚年他屈尊委身于女佣之手,而此等女佣也多属无聊之辈。直到被磨成光杆儿,然后就像他的长柄扫帚兄弟一样,要么被踢出室门,要么用作点火干柴,供人取暖。
      His last days are spent in slavery to women, and generally the least deserving; till, worn to the stumps, like his brother besom29, he is either kicked out of doors, or made use of to kindle flames for others to warm themselves by.

15. 杆儿

15. 我撞上了电线杆儿
      I crashed into a utility pole.

16. 许多欧洲人和美国人怀疑内塔尼亚胡先生自己是不是一个铁杆儿主义的拒绝者,或是简单地被他的联盟内的极端民族主义束缚着。
      Many Europeans and Americans wonder whether Mr Netanyahu is himself a dyed-in-the-wool rejectionist, or is simply in thrall to the ultra-nationalists in his coalition.

17. 杆儿

17. 玉米杆儿被编成了一只筏子。
      The corn stalks are woven into a raft.

18. Xbox游戏机并非所有的铁杆儿游戏机玩家都是儿童。
      Xbox Not all hardcore video gamers are kids.

19. 且这个公园场地,离市区很近,并结合了所有室外公园场地里所包括的所有元素跳台路线,单板墙以及铁杆儿和铁箱组合。
      The park, located just outside the city center, will boast a kicker line, wallride as well as rail and box combinations.

20. 杆儿是什么意思

20. 孩子折了一截麦杆儿,在空地上比划着。
      The child broke a straw of wheat and scratched on the clearing.
