

杂用[zá yònɡ]


杂用 双语例句

1. 杂用的解释

1. 我已经削减了一切费用,甚至包括网费和杂用开支。
    I have cut back on everything, even the Internet and utilities.

2. 杂用的解释

2. 上一篇:帮忙翻译成中文好麽?我有急用哦。下一篇:方言烧包杂用英语说啊。急死了
    You have two brains, your left brain has nothing right, and your brain has nothing right.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 杂用的''。'绳'。''两股或多股浸了焦油的纱搓成的小绳索
    Made'.''by twisting together two or more strands of tarred yarn.

4. 申请杂用:这块费用因人而异,没个标准。
    To apply for miscellaneous use: the cost of this varies from person to person, not a standard.

5. 你这段代码具体是杂用的哦?
    Can you suggest an alternative

6. 杂用的绳:两股或多股浸了焦油的纱搓成的小绳索
    Nautical Small cordage made by twisting together two or more strands of tarred yarn.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. 机舱设置电动空气压缩机组(型号:CZ-5/30FZK)2台,空气瓶(型号:A0.1-3CB*493-87)1只及控制箱等组成压缩空气系统,其压缩空气供气笛用气、海水箱和二氧化碳管系吹洗、压力水柜充气、机舱杂用及气动快关阀用气。
    In the engine room there are two electrical compressors(type: CZ-5/30FZK). One air reservoir (type: A0.1-3CB*493-87)and control cabinet compose compress air system, the compressed air will be used for tyfon, sea chest and purging of CO2 piping, charge of pressure tank, miscellaneous air of engine room and pneumatic quick-close valves.

8. 杂用间(放置大件家用电器如洗衣机的房间,尤指私人住宅的)。
    Utility room (room, esp in a private house, containing one or more large fixed domestic appliances, eg a washing-machine)

9. 杂用

9. 它通常混杂用石头灰尘不同的比例。
    It is usually intermixed with a varying proportion of stone dust.

10. 根据城市地形特点和汇水区特征,将长春市污水资源化系统划分为6个子系统,再生水补给工业、市政杂用和生态用水。
    According to the characteristics of urban terrain and the drainage districtes, the area of wastewater resource utilization could devided into six different parts in ChangChun, and the reclaimed water would supply for industry, municipal construction and urban entironment.

11. 记住带上一些外币现金用来支付杂用,例如从机场到饭店的出租车费。
      Remember to take some foreign currency to cover incidentals like a taxi from the airport to your hotel.

12. 根据服务范围内用户对再生水水质的需要,结合城市杂用、景观水体、工业冷却三种水质的要求,确定了再生水厂的出水水质标准。
      The effluent quality standard is determined based on the reclaimed water quality requirement of users in the service area.
