

有眼无珠[yǒu yǎn wú zhū]



词典have eyes but fail to see有眼无珠。

词典be as blind as a bat [a mole]

词典eyes and no eyes有眼无珠。

词典as blind as a bat有眼无珠。

有眼无珠 汉英大词典

有眼无珠[yǒu yǎn wú zhū]

have eyes but fail to see; be as blind as a bat [a mole]; blind; eyes and no eyes; fail to recognize a thing for what it is; have a narrow vision; ignorant; seeing sth. without knowing it; anable to discriminate

有眼无珠 网络解释

1. 有眼无珠的意思

1. as blind as a bat:(5) Let sleeping dogs lie. 切勿打草惊蛇. | (6) Diamond cut diamond, crook cut crook. 棋逢对手 | (7) As blind as a bat. 有眼无珠

2. as blind as s bat:a fly in the ointment美中不足之处,使人扫兴的事 | as blind as s bat有眼无珠 | a good dog deserves有功者应受赏

有眼无珠 双语例句

1. 谁知道摩特兰先生干得那么出色还有他那许多朋友,原来都住在这儿的,谁知道呀我们真是有眼无珠
    Who would have thought of Mr. Mottram doing so well And so many of his friends, too, that used to stay here We were entertaining angels unawares.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 他说:「建议出兵攻打齐的人是胡涂蛋,建议不要攻打齐的谋士也是有眼无珠
    He said, Who suggested to attack Tian Houmou is foolish; who suggested not to is blind; who said both were wrong is not smart.

3. 一个有眼无珠的人才会看不清这个事实。
    One has to be blind not to recognize this fact.

4. 我怎么会如此有眼无珠没有看到我眼前的一切?
    How could i be so blind not to see whats before my eyes?

5. 你说老天有眼,如果是真的话,我说你有眼无珠
    You always say Heaven has eyes. If so, I would say you have eyes but no vision.

6. 你是否有眼无珠
    Do You Have Eyes But Can`t See?

7. 有眼无珠的反义词

7. 你真是有眼无珠
    You must be as blind as a bat.

8. 有眼无珠什么意思

8. 还有他那许多朋友,原来都住在这儿的,谁知道呀?我们真是有眼无珠
    Mottram doing so well And so many of his friends, too, that used to stay here We were entertaining angels unawares.

9. 这句话我情愿这样译为:时间是有眼无珠,人是愚不可及。
    Man, more so. which I should be glad to translate thus:time is blind, man is stupid.

10. 有眼无珠的解释

10. 这句话我情愿这样译为:时间是有眼无珠,人是愚不可及。
    Man, more so. which I should be glad to translate thus: time is blind, man is stupid.

11. 天上来的人不懂得学习,你们有眼无珠
      Sky people can not learn, You can not see!

12. 有眼无珠在线翻译

12. 有眼无珠的人才会瞧不见!
      Blind is he who will not see!
