

有口皆碑[yǒu kǒu jiē bēi]

词典enjoy great popularity among the people口碑载道;有口皆碑。

词典accounts of one's heroic deeds circulated among the people有口皆碑。

词典be praised by the people有口皆碑。

词典be universally acclaimed有口皆碑。

有口皆碑 汉英大词典

有口皆碑[yǒu kǒu jiē bēi]

enjoy great popularity among the people; accounts of one's heroic deeds circulated among the people; be praised by the people; be universally acclaimed; one's name being spoken by everyone; proverbial; win universal praise

有口皆碑 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. universally acclaimed:Unity is power. 团结就是力量. | universally acclaimed 有口皆碑 | unnecessary anxiety 杞人忧天

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. to win universal praise; to be universally acclaimed:守口如瓶not breaths a word about sth; tight-mouthed; ... | 有口皆碑 to win universal praise; to be universally acclaimed | 打肿脸充胖子 to puff oneself up to one's own cost; to pretend to keep up appea...

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. win universal praise:a good-for-nothing 酒囊饭袋 | win universal praise 有口皆碑 | each going his own way 分道扬镳
