



有勇有谋 网络解释

1. use brawn rather than brain:一言既出 四马难追 A real man never goes back on his words | 有勇有谋 use brawn rather than brain . | 因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude

有勇有谋 双语例句

1. 佘太君作为老年妇女形象,不但是文武双全、有勇有谋的女统帅,而且表现出慈爱、宽容的人情味。
    She Taijun is not only masterful talent o...f commander, but also kindness, tolerance of old women.

2. 有勇有谋是什么意思

2. 本片从人物入手,不仅塑造了有勇有谋、爱兵如子的李天佑上将,也刻画了一批围绕在他身边,既纯朴、可爱又令人尊敬的战士形象,人物真实可信、有血有肉。
    The film from the people to start, not only shaped the courageous and prudent, loving son of Li Tianyou soldiers such as General, also depicts a group around him, not only simple, lovely image of a respectable fighter, authentic characters, of flesh and blood.

3. 有勇有谋的反义词

3. 因此我们帮助别人的时候要有勇有谋,才能做到事半功倍。
    Therefore, we need to help others when prudent, in order to be effective.

4. 有勇有谋的解释

4. 人们要想发掘真相,就得有必要的资金,但现在几乎没什么人能有勇有谋地来做这件事。
    People must have the wherewithal to seek it out because they really want to know what`s going on.

5. 因此我们帮助别人的时候要有勇有谋,才能做到事半功倍。
    Therefore we help others to YouYongYouMou, can make effort.

6. 有勇有谋

6. 面对当前的经济状况,我们必须采取行动,有勇有谋;我们不但要创造新的工作,而且要为增长打下新的基础。
    The state of the economy calls for action, bold and swift, and we will act - not only to create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation for growth.

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7. 当文明被打破后,你认为人们会怎么样?那些有勇有谋的人会安然无恙。
    Ashley: What do you think becomes of people when their civilization breaks up?

8. 我们要做到有勇有谋,这样才能承担起在这场猛烈风暴中实施并购策略带来的额外风险。
    It takes bold vision to assume the additional risk of such manoeuvres in this ferocious storm.

9. 对那些有勇有谋可以安然渡过危机的年轻人,干嘛不为全球化经济趋势做好准备并考虑锁定那些新兴经济体呢?
    For youth who are bold and able to survive hardship why not start looking towards the trends that are starting to shape the global economy and consider trying to lock in on the emerging economies?

10. 有勇有谋的你将会成为一朝之主,率领着旗下数万精兵一起拼杀战场。
    There are prudent you will be once the owners, led by the tens of thousands of its elite fighting on the battlefield together.

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. 面对不幸而有勇有谋的人。
      People who faced misfortune with resourcefulness and courage.
