

月朔[yuè shuò]


月朔 双语例句

1. 以西结书45章17节以同一的表达方法将歌罗西书2章16-17节重复了一遍,并且将其与祭祀仪式相连(燔祭、奠祭、节期、月朔和仪文的安息日等是带领以色列家与上帝和好的安息日。
    Colossians 2:16 is a very important verse in that it shows clearly that the Seventh-day Sabbath is only a shadow of Christ.

2. 我的心痛恨你们的月朔和你们的庆节,它们为我是种累赘,使我忍无可忍。
    Your new moons and festivals I detest; they weigh me down, I tire of the load.

3. 馨香已是我所憎恶;月朔、安息日、集会、斋戒和盛大的宴会,我已都不能容受。
    The new moons, and the sabbaths, and other festivals I will not abide, your assemblies are wicked.

4. 西2:16 所以不拘在饮食上,或节期、月朔、安息日,都不可让人论断你们。
    Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days

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5. 除月朔的全燔祭及同献的素祭,日常全燔祭及同献的素祭和依礼规应同献的奠祭外,还应行这些祭献,作为中悦上主的馨香火祭。
    Besides the holocaust of the first day of the month with the sacrifices thereof, and the perpetual holocaust with the accustomed libations.

6. 4:23 丈夫说,今日不是月朔,也不是安息日,你为何要去见他呢?
    And he said, Why will you go to him today? It is neither the new moon nor the Sabbath.

7. 神從來不根据月朔、節期或安息日而施行拯救,好比一個人在复活節的禮拜天,不會比他在八月三日星期六,或十月四日星期一和基督更接近。只要基督還坐在中保的座位上,每一天都是相宜的日子,所有的日子都是拯救的日子。
    All these are external to the soul and subject to accident or mechanical failure: but looking is of the heart and can be done successfully by any man standing up or kneeling down or lying in his last agony a thousand miles from any church.

8. 月朔

8. 摩8:5 你们说、月朔几时过去、我们好卖粮。安息日几时过去、我们好摆开麦子、卖出用小升斗、收银用大戥子、用诡诈的天平欺哄人。
    Saying, When will the new moon be over, So that we may sell grain, And the sabbath, that we may open the wheat market, To make the bushel smaller and the shekel bigger, And to cheat with dishonest scales

9. 你总是这么说,你总是说这是最月朔
    You always say that, you always say this is the last time

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10. 1:14 你们的月朔、和节期、我心里恨恶、我都以为麻烦。
    They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them.

11. 4:23 丈夫说、今日不是月朔、也不是安息日。
      And he said, Wherefore wilt thou go to him to day?

12. 到了月朔、他们与他们的地业必被吞灭。
      Now the new moon will devour them with their land.

13. 月朔

13. 到了月朔、他们与他们的地业必被吞灭。
      Now their New Moon festivals will devour them and their fields.

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14. 10:32 我们又为自己定例,每年各人捐银一舍客勒三分之一,为我们神殿的使用,10:33 就是为陈设饼,常献的素祭,和燔祭,安息日,月朔,节期所献的与圣物,并以色列人的赎罪祭,以及我们神殿里一切的费用。
      For the bread set out on the table; for the regular grain offerings and burnt offerings; for the offerings on the Sabbaths, New Moon festivals and appointed feasts; for the holy offerings; for sin offerings to make atonement for Israel; and for all the duties of the house of our God.

15. 月朔的近义词

15. 23:31 又照管一切向耶和华献燔祭的事,在安息日、月朔并节期,按数照例,不断的在耶和华面前献上
      And to offer all the burnt offerings to Jehovah, according to the number ordained for them, on the Sabbaths, at the new moons, and on the appointed feasts, continually before Jehovah

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16. 5:7 他们向耶和华行事诡诈,因为他们生了私子;到了月朔,他们与他们所得的分必被吞灭。
      They have acted treacherously against Jehovah, For they have begotten strange children. Now the new moon will devour them With their apportionments.

17. 月朔的近义词

17. 月朔、和安息日、并宣召的大会、也是我所憎恶的。
      New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations-- I cannot bear your evil assemblies.

18. 月朔在线翻译

18. 010 在你们快乐的日子和节期,并月朔,献燔祭和平安祭,也要吹号,这都要在你们的神面前作为记念。我是耶和华─你们的神。
      Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, all of you shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the LORD your God.

19. 月朔什么意思

19. 10:10 在你们快乐的日子和节期,并月朔,献燔祭和平安祭,也要吹号,这都要在你们的神面前作为纪念。我是耶和华你们的神。
      Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the LORD your God.

20. 月朔的解释

20. 民10:10 在你们快乐的日子和节期、并月朔、献燔祭和平安祭、也要吹号。这都要在你们的神面前作为纪念。我是耶和华你们的神。
      Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the Lord your God.
