曾祖[zēng zǔ]
(paternal) great-grandfather
1. 曾祖的反义词
1. praavo:曾孙 : pranepo | 曾祖: praavo | 曾祖母: praavino
2. 曾祖在线翻译
2. Great grand father:曾祖母- Great grand mother | 曾祖- Great grand father | 孙- Grand son
3. zkZU:zkHc 憎恨(zēnghen) | zkZU 曾祖(zēngzu) | zksl 曾孙(zēngsun)
1. 这是我第一次听说我曾祖母的事。
This was the first time I had ever heard of her.
2. 曾祖的翻译
2. 它是我曾祖母的名字,现在是我的。
It was my great-grandmother`s name and now it is mine.
3. 这是你曾祖母的
It was your great grandmother's.
4. 那是我曾祖母的
That was my great grandmother's.
5. 曾祖什么意思
5. 就这样,我去了中国,并且见到了我的曾祖母。
And so I went to China and met my great-grandmother.
6. danci.911chaxun.com
6. 这是我的曾祖母的最初。
It was my great-grandmother's originally.
7. 曾祖什么意思
7. 最好回去就可以与相对人你知道一点,说的曾祖父或大的母亲。
It might be best to go back as far as you can with a relative whom you a know a little about, say a great grandfather or grand mother.
8. 我亲戚中最有名的是Reb Sussel-我的曾祖父,-他在美国留下了他的标记。
My most famous relative of all, the one who really left his mark on America, was Reb Sussel, my great-greadfather
9. 需要解决小卡曾祖父原住城市的问题。
There are only very small problems to be ironed out to do with the city of origin of his great grandfather.
10. Iris的曾祖母把秘密配方传给她的外婆,她的外婆又把它传给她的妈妈。
Iris's great-grandmother leaved the secret formula to her grandmother, and her grandmother leaved it to her mother.
11. danci.911cha.com
11. 他进屋去拿了一把钳子,然后,一个一个地,把我曾祖母的指甲拔掉了
And he pulled out my grandmama's nails, out of its bed, one by one.
12. 我发现这副身体不是我一个人的,它也是我母亲、我父亲、我的祖父母、我的曾祖父母以及列祖列宗的延续。
I knew this body was not mine along but a living continuation of my mother and father and my grandparents and great-grandparents. Of all my ancestors.
13. 透过那层水气我看到了我的曾祖母。。
And through the mist, I could see my grandmother.
14. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
14. 它是我曾祖母给我的,它跟着我,虽然说不是很多年,但是就是因为不是很多年,我才觉得更有它实际的意义。
It has been mine for not many years but that is why I feel it so special.
15. 曾祖的翻译
15. 我的曾祖父在上世纪从潮州移民到南洋,我经常跟我的朋友开玩笑说它是在当时动荡的中国混不下去而要把自己卖了当猪仔,漂洋过海去谋生!
My Great grand parents migrated from ChaoZhou to Singapore.
16. Kimi家的房子是Kimi的曾祖父建的,Kimi的父母Paula和Matti在那里住了20年。
Hisparents Paula and Matti have lived there for twenty years.
17. 曾祖的反义词
17. 我们是堂姐弟——他的祖父曾是苏格兰国王,他的曾祖父是英格兰的亨利二世。
We were cousins—his grandfather was King of Scots, and his great-grandfather was Henry VII of England.
18. 曾祖在线翻译
18. 我们是堂姐弟他的祖父曾是苏格兰国王,他的曾祖父是英格兰的亨利二世。
We were cousinshis grandfather was King of Scots, and his great-grandfather was Henry VII of England.
19. 你的曾祖母几乎毁掉了你母亲的整个家庭,而且她最后用一把剑自杀了
Your grand grandmother almost crushed your mother`s whole family, and she ended herself with a sword.
20. 911查询·英语单词
20. 当时,同村的人都不信耶稣,因此特别苦待曾祖父。
At that time, nobody else in the village believed in Jesus and everyone treated my great-grandfather harshly.