

曲高和寡[qǔ gāo hè guǎ]

词典Songs of a highbrow type will find very few people to join in the chorus.

词典caviar to the general无知者不懂得赏识的好东西,曲高和寡之物,阳春白雪。

词典Highbrow songs find few singers.曲高和寡。

词典lift up one' voice among the living and meet with no response曲高和寡。

曲高和寡 汉英大词典

曲高和寡[qǔ gāo hè guǎ]


Songs of a highbrow type will find very few people to join in the chorus.; caviar to the general; Highbrow songs find few singers.; lift up one' voice among the living and meet with no response; Melodies of superior taste find few to join in chorus.; too h

曲高和寡 网络解释

1. 曲高和寡的近义词

1. He travels the fastest who travels alone:. Honour to whom honour is due.论功行赏. | . He travels the fastest who travels alone. 曲高和寡. | . Heaven helps those who help themselves. 求人不如求己.

2. He traels the fastest who traels alone:HHonour to whom honour is due. 论功行赏. | He traels the fastest who traels alone. 曲高和寡. | Heaen helps those who help themseles. 求人不如求己.

3. 曲高和寡的解释

3. too highbrow to be popular:52. 轻而易举: without making an effort | 53. 曲高和寡: too highbrow to be popular | 54. 如坐针毡:feel badly uneasy

4. He travels the fastest that travels alone:? Honor to whom honor is due.论功行赏. | ? He travels the fastest that travels alone. 曲高和寡. | ? Heaven helps those who help themselves. 求人不如求己.
