

暮烟 双语例句

1. 一抹画笔现剩下弯曲一线像是晚霞又好似暮烟从北而南横展在蓝天之上;一颗刺透的寒星已熠熠发光。
    A brush had left a crooked stroke Of what was either cloud or smoke From north to south across the blue; A piercing little star was through.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 漫过了大平原,大草原,留下了一层阴影;漫过了大森林,留下了一片阴郁的黑暗;漫过了小溪,把深灰色的暮色溶入琮的水声里,水面在阒静里透着微明;漫过了山顶,留给它们星的光和月的光;漫过了小村,留下了苍茫的暮烟……给每个墙角扯下了一片,给每个蜘蛛网网住了一把。
    It glides past the great plains, prairie, leaving a shadow there; it glides past the great forest, leaving gloomy darkness; it glides past the stream, dissolving the dark gray gloaming into the rippling water sound, with the surface of the water shimmering in tranquility; it glides past the top of mountains, leaving them the light of stars and the moon; if glides past the small village, leaving a vast expanse of evening smog…slices of the dusk are torn off by corners of the wall and spider webs.
