

暗送秋波[àn sòng qiū bō]

词典make eyes at a man [woman]

词典cast sheep's eyes at one of the opposite sex暗送秋波。

词典convey one's love by stealing a look暗送秋波。

词典leer at送秋波;暗送秋波。

暗送秋波 汉英大词典

暗送秋波[àn sòng qiū bō]


make eyes at a man [woman] (while others are not looking); cast sheep's eyes at one of the opposite sex; convey one's love by stealing a look; leer at; make secret overtures to sb.; ogle (at); secretly to cast flirtatious looks at sb.; send silent and ende


    She made eyes at the handsome actor.

暗送秋波 网络解释

1. 暗送秋波的翻译

1. cast sheep's eye:现在许多女孩都喜欢把眼睛涂得黑黑的,不过这些黑眼眶(black eyes)可真不知西仅仅是瞟那么一眼flash our eyes at sth.抛媚眼(make eyes)被人们认为是不良表现,而暗送秋波(cast sheep's eye)则是男女恋情的美好意境.

2. 暗送秋波在线翻译

2. give him the eye:换句话说,她试图向他抛媚眼(make eyes at)或者暗送秋波(give him the eye). 女子非常高兴,可能好几天都得意地(with stars in her eyes)走来走去,脸上洋溢着幸福的表情. 她非常幸福,因为她对这名男子情有独钟(apple of her eye),

3. to make sheep's eyes at somebody:to live like fighting cocks.养尊处优;过好日子. | to make sheep's eyes at somebody.暗送秋波. | Never offer to teach fish to swim.别搬门弄斧.
