

暖壶[nuǎn hú ]

词典thermos flask暖瓶;暖水瓶;暖壶;热水瓶,保温瓶。

词典thermos bottle暖瓶;暖水瓶;热水瓶;暖壶。

词典a teapot with a cosy

词典metal or earthen hotwater bottle

暖壶 汉英大词典

暖壶[nuǎn hú]


(热水瓶) thermos flask; thermos bottle

暖壶 网络解释

1. 暖壶是什么意思

1. bjgn:bjd 是我国 | bjgn 暖壶 | bjiq 暖流

暖壶 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 郁闷地呆在暖壶里。
    Staying in thermos, Dumpish and lonely.

2. 你来找我的时候,请把我的暖壶带来。
    When you come to me, please bring me my thermometer.

3. 暖壶是什么意思

3. 我们产品的适用范围:主要用于电熨斗、热电吹风机、电热炉、微波炉、冰箱、电饭煲、电暖壶、咖啡壶、三明治炉、电动机等小家电。
    Application scope of our products: mainly used in small electric home appliances including electric iron, hair dryer, electro thermal furnaces, microwave oven, refrigerator, electronic cooker, electric kettle, sandwich oven and motor.

4. 然后你就会看到在一间空屋子的炉灶上放着空空的暖壶
    However, you could see in an empty house a warm pot on the oven.

5. 暖壶里没水,但你可以在瓶子里找到一点儿。
    There is no water in the thermos, but you may find a bit in the bottle.

6. 在软卧车厢里,你会看到有茶杯,有时还提供茶叶,还有一暖壶的热水供饮用。
    In the compartment you find teacups, sometimes even tea leaves, and a 6thermos bottle with hot water.

7. 在你将一些干的茶叶放进茶壶之前,先用热水一下暖壶,然后再将它倒尽。
    Before you put some dried tealeaves in a teapot, warm the pot with hot water and empty it out.

8. 我生孩子时,医生告诉要多喝汤,每天的量控制在咱们喝水的暖壶两壶吧。
    I was born baby, the doctor told more soup, the daily control of our drinking water in the thermos bottle两壶it.

9. 暖壶在线翻译

9. 她正在往暖壶里灌水。
    She is pouring the hot water into the thermos.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 这个小小的铁制泡酒壶是不是让你想起穿着马褂的孔乙已,用它暖壶酒,再要上一碟豆子,感觉一定会很惬意。
    Does this little iron stoup remind you of a certain Kong Yiji, who wearing his mandarin jacket, warms his wine with such an implement, and orders a small dish of beans to go with his wine.

11. 一位妇女回到家中,发现她的丈夫在厨房里疯狂地摇晃着,他的腰间貌似有根电线连着电暖壶
      A woman came home to find her husband in the kitchen, shaking frantically with what looked like a wire running from his waist towards the electrical kettle.
