

暌违[kuí wéi]



暌违 汉英大词典

暌违[kuí wéi]


[书](分离) separate:


    It's years since we parted.

暌违 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 美国媒体对这位暌违乐坛太久的男孩显然备受宠爱,虽然新单曲才刚刚发行,但美国不少乐评人就对新歌赞赏有加,BellaOn
    In his cover, 'Deluged, 'Barry Blitt turns the tables on the situation. As the Oval Office is slowly submerged, the reader gets a release that goes beyond the first laugh and unl

2. 暌违

2. 3月4号,卡蜜拉终于顺利地从阳光普照的布宜诺斯艾利斯飞到了大雪纷飞、暌违多年的纽约。。。
    Finally, Camila is back to Snowy New York from Sunny Buenos Aires, after so many years...

3. 暌违的翻译

3. 媒体推荐:《The World is Flat 世界是平的》作者在暌违三年之后,推出了这本最新作品。
    Friedman`s phenomenal number-one bestseller The World Is Flat has helped millions of readers to see the world in a new way.

4. 暌违的翻译

4. 前第一夫人吴淑珍在暌违两年之久后,昨日首度现身法院。
    Former first lady, Wu Shu-zhen, finally appeared in court for the first time in two years yesterday.

5. 暌违的翻译

5. 昨天记者获悉,暌违一年半后,蔡依林的全新专辑即将面世。
    Yesterday, reporter learned that after a year and a half暌违, Jolin Tsai's new album will be available soon.

6. 虽然最近的一次降息成就了暌违五年的牛市局面,但一天之后的星期三,道琼斯工业指数较前日下跌近300点,期货价格下降。
    A day after an interest rate cut fueled the best stock session in five years, the Dow Jones industrials slid back nearly 300 points on Wednesday and commodity prices plummeted.

7. 中国过去的学术圈和大众文化的睽离,一个原因便是自作高深,故作高深,并不一定是怎样深奥的道理,非得拒读者于千里之外,这也是中国的学术和一般读书人暌违千里的一个原因,是中国社会中知识分子和普通群众难以沟通的一个原因。
    That makes him different from those who write in a pedantic way in keeping a distance from the general public, and in a flourish form but without substantive contents. This is part of the reason why the Chinese elite intellectuals are distanced from the populace.

8. 暌违数载。
    It's years since we parted.
