

暇日[xiá rì]

词典days of leisure暇日。

暇日 汉英大词典

暇日[xiá rì]

days of leisure

暇日 双语例句

1. 一日三餐,厨烟不继的人,终身未尝有暇日,得有闲功夫才能及时行乐。
    Three meals a day, following the chef who does not smoke, life might have Xia Ri, in the effort to have idle time Hangle.

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2. 滕达道、苏浩然、吕行甫,暇日晴暖,研墨水数合,弄笔之馀,乃啜饮之。
    Tenda Road, Su Haoran, Lv Xingfu, Xiariqingnuan, the number of joint research and ink, the rest get pens, is a sip of.

3. 暇日的近义词

3. 我曾把充分的时间,用在理欲交战里,但如今是我暇日游侣的雅兴,把我的心拉到他那里去;我也不知道这忽然的召唤,会引到什麼突出的奇景。
    Full many an hour have I spent in the strife of the good and the evil, but now it is the pleasure of my playmate of the empty days to draw my heart on to him; and I know not why is this sudden call to what useless inconsequence!

4. 我曾把充分的时间,用在理欲交战里,但如今是我暇日游侣的雅兴,把我的心拉到他那里去;我也不知道这忽然的召唤,会引到什么突出的奇景。
    Let then the flowers come out in my garden, though it is not their time; and let the midday bees strike up their lazy hum.
