



智器 双语例句

1. 智器的近义词

1. 相信我,智器肯定会在下一版固件中解决很多小问题。
    Trust me, definitely SmartQ will fix the little issues in next firmware!

2. 智器在线翻译

2. 我很高兴知道智器会在T5-II上也添加PICFLOW特效并且改进许多功能。
    It's good to know they will add PicFlow on the T5-II too, and improved features too.

3. 我相信智器会发布T5-II的3D游戏。
    I'm sure they could release 3D games made for that player.

4. Stupid Q你们真是太蠢了,让智器Fans们失去了信心
    Stupid Q Are you really too stupid to allow browser-chi Fans have lost faith in!

5. 智器

5. 所有智器T5-II/LE beta版固件的测试用户,请你们在使用之后在这里写下反馈,感谢你们的努力!
    After your testing the beta firmware, please kindly post your review here!

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. 智器的CE到底什么时候能发布,你们已经失去了网友的信任,我们对你已经够客气了,如果你们还不发布就太对不起人了,2次跳票,你们智器第三次---今天,超级版主问你们,你们说服务器问题,算一算一天过去了,除了发布一个没用的授权文件还发不了什么,服务器还没修好,我觉得你们因该就蠢器Stupid Q ,斑竹如果要封贴就封吧!
    Moses CE device can be released when in the end, you have lost the trust of users, we have enough of your kind, and if you do not release too I am sorry people, 2 times bouncing, your browser first-chi Third --- Today, the super moderator asked you, you said the server problems, count one day later, a useless addition to the authorized release document also made nothing, server not fixed, I think you silly because of the browser on Stupid Q, Chiloscyllium If you want to paste the letters on the letters it!
