





晨钟 网络解释

1. Matin Bell:8.彷徨 Agitato | 9.晨钟 Matin Bell | 10.快步 Velocity

晨钟 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 他说:它当然是一个值得暮鼓晨钟,唤醒了美国人。
    He said: It was certainly a wake-up call for the Americans.

2. 人们常常争论,教诲信众的晨钟先由何人鸣响,其中不知包含了多少虔诚与尊贵,信仰与敬重,一如那纠缠不休的庭堂攻辩。然而,无论结果如何,这钟声都会先为寤者所知。
    There was a contention as far as a suit (in which both piety and dignity, religion and estimation, were mingled), which of the religious orders should ring to prayers first in the morning; and it was determined, that they should ring first that rose earliest.

3. 你能听到晨钟响吗?
    Can you hear the morning bell ringing?

4. 你能听到晨钟响吗?
    Can you hear the morning ringing?

5. 晨钟的翻译

5. 山东晨钟机械股份有限公司是国内知名的造纸制浆设备生产制造商,是山东省高新技术企业,一直致力于提供一流的用户服务和技术支持。
    Chenzhong Shandong Machinery Co., Ltd. is a famous paper pulping equipment manufacturers, are high-tech enterprises in Shandong Province, has been committed to providing first-class customer service and technical support.

6. 我带着沉重的心情站在雨中我以为这会是世界的终结然而你的声音如晨钟唤醒了我我一直在寻觅那个答案在某处某个我并不知道的地方但我现在懂得了我从前不懂得的因为你的存在因为你使我开始相信自己在我无依无靠的时候因为有你我的女孩我的世界里连星星都比从前耀眼现在一切都好我九死一生又有了生活的勇气因为你,带领我穿越每次狂风暴雨生活是什么如果你竟然浪费时间的话生活又有什么价值我是如此庆幸我遇到了你一个在我绝望的时候守候着我的天使我要飞我要注视着你的眼眸只因有你因为你使我相信自己在我无依无靠的时候因为有你我的女孩我的世界里连星星都比从前耀眼因为你在故我在因为有你我才在输了以后也不放弃你给了我的我也会给你直到永远因为你还在因为你使我相信自己在我无依无靠的时候只因有你我的女孩我的世界里连星星都比从前耀眼因为有你因为你使我相信自己在我无依无靠的时候因为你我的女孩我的世界里拥有了我需要的一切因为有你在所以我在。。。。。。
    Has everything I need to survive Because you live...

7. 我爱南京我的家乡——南京,是一个美丽迷人的地方,她有着悠久的历史,和深厚的文化积淀,从古色古香的夫子庙,到晨钟暮鼓的栖霞寺,从庄重肃穆的中山陵,到风景如画的玄武湖,从历经沧桑的古城墙,到气势巍峨的阅江楼,到处留下了文人的足迹,和美丽的诗篇。
    I love Nanjing my hometown -- Nanjing, is a beautiful enchanting place, she has the glorious history, accumulates with the deep culture, from the antique Confucian temple, to timely exhortations to virtue and purity Qixia Temple, from grave solemn and respectful Zhongshan Cemetery, to as beautiful as a painting Xuanwu lake, from has been through repeatedly vicissitudes'ancient city wall, palatial reads the river building to the imposing manner, everywhere has left behind writer's trail, with beautiful poem.

8. 这样的思维,在佛教发展与资本主义日趋密切的今天,显然更有暮鼓晨钟的效应。
    This kind of thought is like an awakening call especially when Buddhism and capitalism are interacting more and more closely in the modern era.

9. 多闹钟可以设定许多不同的暮鼓晨钟,唤醒了时代,你可以有选择地唤醒您最喜爱的MP3歌曲,或其他音频文件。
    The multi-alarm can be set for many different wake-up times, and you have the choice of waking up to your favorite MP3 songs, or other audio files.

10. 旅舍步行到东门、虹桥、北门沱江跳岩、凤凰广场、沈从文故居均仅需3分钟,是繁华古城中入则隐隐于市、听暮鼓晨钟、舒适安逸的四合院小院。
    It takes only 3 minutes if you walk from the Hostel to the places of attraction in the City, for example: East Gate, TuoJiang, TiaoYan, House of Sheng Congwen and Pheonix Square.

11. 晨钟的解释

11. 晨钟暮鼓,每天在这山区小镇上空飘飘绕绕,显得格外肃穆宁静;日落霞飞,化缘的和尚归来,阡陌小路走着一队队身披黄袍的和尚,木鱼敲的笃笃响,象啄木鸟的劳作,时光便倘佯在一片祥和升平的景象之中。
      Wake been a day in this mountain town around over fluttering around, it is particularly solemn quiet; sunset Xiafei, appealing monks return Qianmo cul-de-sac walk teams wore Huangbao monks, MuYu Dudu ring for the knockout, Like woodpeckers resourcefulness, a time will Changyang in times of peace and harmony of the scene.

12. danci.911chaxun.com

12. 寻觅那跪求五百年的期待,五百年的梦想,还有那青灯古佛,晨钟暮鼓的凄婉。
      Searches that to kneel strives for 500 year anticipation, 500 year dream, but also has that oil lamp ancient Buddha, timely exhortations to virtue and purity touching.

13. 如果您的梦想,您参加暮鼓晨钟,唤醒了和死者是朋友或亲人,然后你会听到噩耗,在不久的将来。
      If you dream that you attend a wake and the deceased is a friend or loved one then you will hear sad news in the near future.

14. 晨钟的反义词

14. 我们于晨钟暮鼓挥洒青春的激情!
      We are contributing our youthful passion all time!

15. 我的外甥,宇峰和宥霖,在过去的一年五个月里我们同住一起时,一直是我的晨钟暮鼓。
      My nephews, Yufeng and Yolin, often played the roles of my morning bells and evening drums while we lived together in the past one year and five months.

16. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

16. 在晨钟暮鼓中初雪飘落,初雪消融,世间万物大约都是这样从无到有,从有到无吧。
      First Snow in the wake been a float, First Snow ablation, the world is about such things from scratch, there are no bar to.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. 试着解读你充满忧郁的诗笺,晨钟暮鼓的扣响,四季永恒的变换。
      You try to read is full of melancholy Shi Jian, Zhong drum sound deduction, the Four Seasons eternal transformation.

18. 如若,晨钟暮鼓,蛙鸣乌啼,一点点的记录,慢慢的逝去。
      Should the, and bell Drum, frogs Wu Ti, a little bit of records, slowly passing away.

19. 汉语中晨钟暮鼓,,--词,多数西方人会认为是bell in the morning and drum in the evening '。
      In Chinese 晨钟暮鼓, -- the word, the most western person can think is bell in the morning and drum in the evening'.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. 晨钟暮鼓,小小的庙,容纳这么多的愿望。
      Dawn bell tolls, dusk drum sinks always at a small temple, accomodates always so many wishes.
