

Early morning;
晨早 网络解释

1. chen zao:神仙肚 shen xian du | 晨早 chen zao | 郇嘢 xun ye

晨早 双语例句

1. 如要享受「晨早优惠」,请於七月二十日前寄回
    Excitig function, please download the appliccation form at

2. 至於刘培基说的要阿梅练掌上压,阿梅这样说:「没有呀,跑步也只是间中在晨早跑,但很难维持。
    As Eddie Lau said he told Ah Mui to do push-up. Ah Mui said: No, didn't do jogging regularly either, very difficult to keep it consistent.

3. 请原谅我晨早一早便打电话来。
    Excuse me for calling so early in the morning.

4. 之后 ,她发起了这个晨早咖啡聚会。
    She found that it was really difficult to adapt to the lifestyle of a foreign place.

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5. 都惊惊地,会避免於晨早或傍晚下水,亦不会到西贡玩,但仍会继续。
    But will avoid going in early morning and evening time, especially won't go Sai Kung.

6. 不用,回来做运动,你们在收看CBS晨早
    You're watching the Early Show on CBS.
