

Sensible people;
显人 双语例句

1. 显人的解释

1. 说服的盲g法,是用号理则空G论或显人(hiann2 lang0)狙i示,来说服读者改变A疝N见。
    Persuasive writing uses logical argument or emotional appeal (and often a combination of both) to convince the reader to change his or her opinion.

2. 女孩子们确实更喜欢粉色&这可不仅仅是因为它显人可爱的缘故。
    Girls really do prefer pink – and not just because it is pretty.

3. 显人的翻译

3. 虽然死亡的威胁和生活的艰辛在小说中随处可见,但这种对在苦难重压下人生存状态的叙述,更显人的坚忍与伟大。
    Although the threat of death and the hardships of life in the novel can be found everywhere, his narrative about the life state under the heavy stress showed perseverance and greatness of human nature.
