1. Zhaojun's Tomb:华清池 Huaqing Hot Spring | 昭君墓 Zhaojun's Tomb | 毛泽东故居 Mao Zedong's former Residence
1. 参观昭君墓和五塔寺,五塔寺又名金刚座舍利宝塔,是一座仿印度建筑风格的七层佛塔,塔后照壁上嵌有三幅石刻图,其中天文图是至今我国唯一的一幅用蒙语刻注的天文图。
Take coach to Huhhot, visit The Tomb of Wang Zhaojun, one of the four beauties in Chinese history, and Five Pagoda Temple, which is a miniature temple built in Indian style, so named for the five four-sided pagodas that jut up from the rectangular base of the building.
2. 那么这里一定是著名的昭君墓。
Then this must have been the tomb of the famed Wang zhaojun.
3. 大青山脚下的昭君墓被称为青冢。
Wang Zhaojun tomb below Daqing mountain was once called Qing tomb.
4. 昭君墓的解释
4. 新中国成立后,她又被尊奉为汉族与少数民族之间团结的象征,王昭君的墓如今也成了国家统一的标志。
In the People's Republic of China she is venerated as a symbol of the integration of Han Chinese and ethnic minorities of China.
5. 昭君墓是什么意思
5. 这就是昭君墓。
This is the tomb of
6. 昭君墓的反义词
6. 它有许多古代遗物,包括昭君墓、五灵塔殿、白楼。
It has many ancient relics, including Zhaojun Tomb, Five Pagoda Temple, and White Tower.
7. 昭君墓的意思
7. 题昭君墓中汉武帝和昭君作者更倾。。。11-27
I can also buy something to eat.