

昧死[mèi sǐ]

昧死 网络解释

1. badf:最惠国待遇badb | 昧死badf | 阶下囚bady

昧死 双语例句

1. 昧死什么意思

1. 一对德国夫妇在外龆燃偾鞍沧昂昧死┮羝骱投ㄊ弊爸茫使其在每天凌晨用刺耳的公鸡啼叫声骚扰邻居。
    Before leaving on vacation, a German couple set up a loudspeaker and timer rigged to blast their neighbors with the sound of a crowing cock every morning.

2. 昧死以进谏&论刘向编撰《说苑》的心态及其成因组织公正、心理授权与员工进谏行为的关系研究
    On Presenting Admonishment to Emperors at the Risk of Death & The Mentality of Liu Xiang s Compiling Garden of Saying and the Causes; The Relationship of Organizational Justice and Psychological Empowerment With Voice Behavior

3. 昧死在线翻译

3. 每天清晨,他堵须为一群素昧死仄的人上演一样的节目&而且使上演具有赛过力。
    Every night, he had to give the same performance to a new bunch of strangers & and make it convincing.
