1. Bom yeoreum gaeul gyeoul geurigo bom:自然城市Nature City | 春去冬来Bom yeoreum gaeul gyeoul geurigo bom | 世纪末痴情剧Happy End
1. 春去冬来
1. 因此,三元的真实处境应该是喜忧冰火两重天,稍有不慎就有可能造成物极必反春去冬来的局面,所以三元没必要窃喜,该踏踏实实地继续奉行自己的产业营销道路。
The situation of Sanyuan mingles hope and fear, even slightest inadvertency may culminate adversity. Thus to Sanyuan, there`s no room for complacency but long way to go to implement its strategy for industrial marketing.
2. 从此以后,他们每天听到鸡叫后就起床练剑,春去冬来,从不间断。
From then on they got up and practiced the sword every day when the cock crowed.
3. 春去冬来,落叶松都有它无与伦比的美丽的瞬间,这已足以使人欣赏它了。
The larch has its moment of unmatched beauty—and well for him whose chance permits him to enjoy it, spring after spring.
4. 春去冬来,我们依然忙忙碌碌,日复一日,只是往日的平淡中又多了一份乐趣。
The spring of last winter, we are still busy, day after day, just good old plain in the addition of a fun.
5. 潮起潮落,花开花谢,春去冬来,地球夜以继日尽忠职守上演着它的舞曲。
Sun rise and sun set, flower blow and flower wither, spring arrive and winter gone
6. 说古老,3000多年的建城史,850年的建都史,春去冬来,历朝历代都给北京城留下抹不掉的印迹和忘不了的记忆。
Say old, 3000 build city history for years, found a capital of 850 years history, chun Qudong comes, past dynasties of all previous face keeps print that does not drop and the memory that cannot forget to Beijing city.
7. 春去冬来,寒来暑往,从不间断。
Day by day and year in, year out, they never stopped.
8. 有些人已在哀叹春去冬来是如此之快。
Some are already lamenting how quickly spring has turned to winter.
9. 春去冬来,秋去夏来。
Spring followed winter and autumn came after summer.