词典distance of distinct vision:明视距离。
1. distance of distinct vision:velium 云幔 | distance of distinct vision 明视距离 | hornberg 角页岩, 角山
2. distance of most distinct vision:distance learning 远程学习 | distance of most distinct vision 明视距离 | distance, fringing 边缘相接范围
3. normalreadingdistance:normalreadiness 正常战备状态 | normalreadingdistance 明视距离 | normalrealform 正规实形式
4. depth of field:明視度 visual acuity | 明視距離 depth of field | 明視力 photopia
1. 没有理解错,翻译的基本正确的:这里应该指出的是,显微镜所有的放大数据,指的都是与明视距离等比例的放大。
It should be noted that all magnification figures for microscopes refer to enlargement relative to the distance of the most distinct visio.
2. 具体地说,例如,一个物体经显微镜放大300倍后能看清,是指用显微镜将这个人眼所不能看到的物体放大300倍,使其大小恰好相当于人肉眼在明视距离处所能看清的物体大小。
The statement that a particular microscope produces a magnification of 300 times, for example, means that an object viewed under the microscope will appear to be 300 times larger than when seen by the unaided eye at a distance of 25centimeters.
3. 用来观察物体细节的简单目视光学器件,是焦距比眼的明视距离小得多的会聚透镜。
Used to observe the details of a simple visual objects, optical devices, is the focal length than the distance between eyes, as much out of the convergence lens.