

明日黄花[míng rì huáng huā]

词典chrysanthemums after the Double Ninth Festival明日黄花。

词典a chrysanthemum on the morrow -- a thing of the past明日黄花。

词典a day after the fair太迟,失去时机;明日黄花。


词典“a withered flower of yesterday” -- topic no longer of interest

明日黄花 汉英大词典

明日黄花[míng rì huáng huā]

(比喻过时的事物) chrysanthemums after the Double Ninth Festival; a chrysanthemum on the morrow -- a thing of the past; a day after the fair; “a withered flower of yesterday” -- topic no longer of interest; overblown blossoms -- things that are stale and no longer

明日黄花 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 可笑的是,近一年来,很多人都表示,金砖四国已是明日黄花
    Amusingly, in the past year many people have suggested that the Brics story is over.

2. 明日黄花的反义词

2. 成熟技术正好是之前的潮流沉淀下来的那些,而当前的潮流,很难说会不会是明日黄花
    Mature technology as it happens is the tide before precipitation comes down those, and current trend, very it's hard to say can be things that are stale and unfasionable.

3. 在瞬息万变的互联网领域,谁不是曾经风光,谁又能保证自己不是下一朵明日黄花
    In the Internet domain of ten thousand changes in the twinkling of an eye, who is once scene, who can make sure who is not a things that are stale and unfasionable again?

4. 明日黄花

4. 去年,如同成千上万的人一样,我被一家网络公司裁了员,这些网络公司火爆一时,如今都已成了明日黄花
    Like thousands last year, I was downsized from one of those sizzling dotcoms, now dot - gone.

5. 明日黄花是什么意思

5. 出处:相逢不用忙归去,明日黄花蝶也愁-宋·苏轼《九日次韵王巩
    Butterfly is worry about the chrysanthemum tomorrow. the poem is written on Double

6. 加顿?阿什先生2005年游伊朗时写的评论现在看起来似乎是明日黄花了。
    Mr Garton Ash`s observations from his trip to Iran in 2005 seem a bit whiskery now.

7. 口攒肚存的结果是你只能抱残守缺,到头来自己也成了明日黄花
    The problem with hoarding is that you end up living off your reserves. Eventually you'll become stale.

8. 明日黄花的意思

8. 过去那种拿到地就差不多“万事搞掂”了的好日子已是明日黄花
    Get on in the past almost " Everything is fixed up " the good life is something.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. 巨无霸式的石油公司或许已是明日黄花,但还不至于一夜凋零。
    Big oil may be going out of style, but it is certainly not going away.

10. 但房地产泡沫的破灭说明这种观念已是明日黄花,这种倾向将限制意向买家的基数,尽管房价已经低得惊人。
    But the collapse of the housing bubble means that thought is mostly history, which will limit the pool of willing buyers even with prices at striking low levels.

11. 明日黄花

11. 两年没去书店,阅读大部头书本对我已是明日黄花了。
      Two years not to bookstores, reading books on Da Butou I have is a obsolete.

12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

12. 那出戏,一度似乎相当时新,如今已成明日黄花
      The play, which once seemed so modern, has become a period piece.

13. 明日黄花的反义词

13. 对冲基金经理巨星的概念是否注定成为明日黄花
      Is the very idea of a superstar hedge fund manager set to become a thing of the past?

14. 这并不是说原生客户端已成了明日黄花,所有新应用程序都必须是基于浏览器的。
      This is not to say that native clients are a thing of the past and that all new applications must be browser-based.

15. 我那个正在大学的女儿最近告诉我,Facebook已经是明日黄花,Snapchat则很酷。
      My college-age daughter recently informed me that Facebook is so, yesterday, while snapchat is cool.

16. 明日黄花的反义词

16. 数十年来,美国和欧盟一直主宰着全球贸易谈判,因为它们的市场规模要远远大于其它经济大国。现在,这种情况已成了明日黄花
      The US and the European Union have dominated global trade negotiations for decades because their markets were far bigger than those of other economic powers.

17. 可笑的是,近一年来,很多人都表示,金砖四国已是明日黄花
      Amusingly, in the past year many people have suggested that the BRICs story is over.

18. 明日黄花的翻译

18. 不错,感情在她来说,已成为明日黄花
      Emotion, it is true, had become with her rather historic.

19. 不过中国平安总经理任汇川(AlexRen)表示,汇丰的退出已经尘埃落定,这些担忧已成为明日黄花,公司正在集中精力拓展银行和资产管理业务。
      But with the dust settled on HSBC's exit, Ping An's president, Alex Ren, says those worries are behind the company, which is now focused on expanding its role in banking and asset management.

20. 因为土地政策改革的趋势就是协议拿地的上游逐渐成为明日黄花,靠关系能人拿地终将被土地公开交易所取代。
      Because land policy reform trend is the agreement with the upstream gradually become something to rely on relations to be wrong with the open land exchanges replaced.
