

明升暗降[míng shēng àn jiàng]


词典apparently ascended but actually descended -- degradation instead of promotion

词典promote sb. in name but demote him in reality明升暗降。


词典apparent promotion but real demotion明升暗降。

词典kick sb. upstairs使某人明升实降;明升暗降;名升实降。


词典kick upstairs明升暗降。

明升暗降 汉英大词典

明升暗降[míng shēng àn jiàng]

apparently ascended but actually descended -- degradation instead of promotion; promote sb. in name but demote him in reality; apparent promotion but real demotion; kick sb. upstairs:


    The board of trustees decided to kick the president of the company upstairs.

明升暗降 网络解释

1. 明升暗降的反义词

1. kick sb upstairs:kick off 开始干某事 | kick sb upstairs 明升暗降 | kick the bucket 死了

2. 明升暗降的近义词

2. kick upstairs:kickback:回扣,佣金 | kick upstairs:明升暗降 | ★towards prep. 朝,向

3. He was kicked upstairs:with a bag 带着包 | kick upstairs : 明升暗降: He was kicked upstairs. | well to go (美语) = well done (英语) 做得不错

4. kickedupstairs:kickdownswitchfixedterminal 加速系统自动开关接线柱 | kickedupstairs 明升暗降 | kickerbaffle 导向隔板

明升暗降 双语例句

1. 他们决定对他明升暗降,让一位比他年轻的人来接替他目前的职位。
    They decided to kick him upstairs and appointed a younger man to take his place.

2. 他们决定对他明升暗降,让一位比他年轻的人来接替他目前的职位。
    They decided to kick him upstairs and appoint a younger man to take his place.

3. 明升暗降的近义词

3. 新经理来之后,他被明升暗降了。
    After the new manager came, he was kicked upstairs

4. 理事会决定将该公司的总经理明升暗降
    The board of trustees decided to kick the president of the company upstairs.

5. 他们把他们的主任安排到管理委员会,使他明升暗降
    They kicked their manager upstairs by putting him on the managing committee.

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. 对我们来说,搬掉老史密斯的唯一办法是给他来个明升暗降,然后我们才能任命布朗。
    The only way for us to get rid of old Smith is to kick him upstairs; then we'll be able to appoint Brown

7. 明升暗降:提升到较高但极不理想的职位
    Kick upstairs To promote to a higher yet less desirable position.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 当然,那种岗位肯定不会是让你能舒服的,它们不外乎明升暗降、让你去不愿意去的地方和部门或者是找个你不喜欢的人天天盯着你。
    Definitely, the new position is not a good place for you to take. The tricks are no more than kick your upstairs, send you to the location and department you don`t like or find someone to spy you everyday.

9. 明升暗降的近义词

9. 然而,用美的内部人士的话来讲,李东来此次调任制冷家电集团副总裁,这属于明升暗降
    However, the word that uses beautiful in-house public figure will tell, li Dong comes vice president of group of home appliance of this transfer refrigeration, this belongs to kick upstairs.

10. 对我们来说,搬掉老史密斯的唯一办法是给他来个明升暗降,然后我们才能任命布朗。等到测距降到四千码的时候,升上水面的机会就暗淡了。
    The only way for us to get rid of old Smith is to kick him upstairs; then we'll be able to appoint Brown As the range dropped to four thousand, the option to surface was dimming.

11. 明升暗降

11. 他将要被明升暗降,调任国务大臣。
      He is about to be kicked upstairs to be secretary of state.
