时穷节乃见[shí qióng jié nǎi jiàn]
词典A man's true qualities are revealed in times of stress.:时穷节乃见。
时穷节乃见[shí qióng jié nǎi jiàn]
A man's true qualities are revealed in times of stress.
1. 时穷节乃见
1. 时穷节乃见,无论是救下18人的年逾八旬的维吾尔族老翁,还是冒死救助汉族群众的维吾尔族职工,都在用自己的实际行动证明着,血浓于水的民族情谊不容破坏。
See section is when the poor, whether it is to rescue people under the age of 18 eight-year-old man of the Uygur, Han, or risking rescue workers Uygur people, both in practical action in their own proof, and blood is thicker than water national feelings no damage.