词典prominant personage of the time:时彦。
1. 所字在古汉语中运用广泛,也是古汉语十分突出和复杂的语法现象之一前贤时彦对其进行过有益的探索,成果卓著。
The word " suo " use extensive among archaic Chinese, archaic Chinese very outstanding and complicated grammar phenomenon one of too. The virtuous prominant personage of the time has carried on beneficial exploration to it ago, the achievement is distinguished.
2. 时彦的近义词
2. 作者:时彦张连双赵伟李雅娜杨东霞作者单位:1 滨州医学院组织学与胚胎学教研室烟台市 264003;2 滨州医学院病理学教研室
Department of Histology and Embryology, Binzhou Medical University, Yantai 264003
3. 所字在古汉语中运用广泛,也是古汉语十分突出和复杂的语法现象之一前贤时彦对其进行过有益的探索,成果卓著。
The word " suo " use extensive among archaic Chinese, archaic Chinese very outstanding and complicated grammar phenomenon one of too. The virtuous prominant personage of the time has carried on beneficial exploration to it ago, the achievement is distinguished.