



早课 网络解释

1. morning recitation:morality 持戒 * | morning recitation 早课 * | most virtuous and awe-inspiring 大威德 *

2. danci.911cha.com

2. matin:mathsort 数学排序 | matin 早课 | matinee 白天音乐会

早课 双语例句

1. 早课的翻译

1. 著名的诗人李白和当时为唐王朝宫廷军师的李筠一起云游崂山,将宫庭音乐曲牌传给崂山太清宫的道士,成为太清宫沿用至今的早课经韵曲牌,这都证明了崂山被唐王朝宫廷视为一座道教仙山是可信无疑的。
    The famous poet Li Bai and Tang Dynasty palace at the time for division of the Laoshan travel far and wide together with Li Jun, Qu Pai's court music to the Laoshan Taoist Tai Qinggong become Taiqing Gong has used the class as early as Yun Qu Pai, which have proved Laoshan Tang Dynasty....

2. 我们有常规的早课及固定的念诵时间。
    We have a regular morning program and chanting hours.

3. 早课

3. 到目前为止我上早课时还从未迟到过。
    I haven`t been late for any of the morning classes so far.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 但是当时我起来了,并且去上课了,我很高兴我做到了,如果没有那门早课的话,我想我永远会睡懒觉的。
    But I`m glad I did that because if I didn`t have those morning classes, I just would have slept more than I needed to.

5. 早课的意思

5. 遗憾的是,他说,他的同室有早课,闹钟总是把他给吵醒了。
    Unfortunately, he said, his roommate had early classes, so the alarm clock worke him anyway.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. 在我出家不久之后的一天早课,正进行了一半,上人正好打电话来。
    One morning, not long after I left home, Shifu phoned when we were in the second half of the morning ceremony.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 到一早起身的时候就起来,做早课,我也不懒惰,我绝对不落人后。大家都站在那个地方,就等你一个人,那好意思?
    In the morning you rise and do morning recitation, determined not to be late, not to make other people have to wait for you.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. 本文即是对蓬瀛仙馆道教早课仪式与用乐情况的实地考察和初步认识。
    This article is an on-the-spot review and primary acquaintance to Fung Ying Seen Koon Matin and the music used.

9. 在金山圣寺,我有一个徒弟,他早晨做早课随著诵〈楞严咒〉,晚间做晚课我们也诵持〈楞严咒〉,那麼早晚这麼念一念,他念到二十六天,就能背得出来了。
    The first test I gave to my students in America was on the Shurangama Mantra.

10. 他要我帮他上早课
    He asked me to take his morning class.

11. 早课的翻译

11. 今天的早课我没有去,躲在房间里边睡觉边啃《创世纪》。
      I didn't attend the class in the morning but read The Genesis in my room.
