

The breakfast;
早膳 双语例句

1. 早膳的反义词

1. 由于这一原因,最好在早膳中使用作为开胃菜。
    Because of this, it's best used early in the meal as an appetizer.

2. 早膳

2. 第二天,正如伊利亚·安德烈伊奇伯爵答应的那样,快用早膳的时候,他从莫斯科近郊领地回来了。
    Next day, at lunch time, as he had promised, Count Ilya Andreitch arrived from his estate in the environs.

3. 专家还认为,应该根据人的不同年龄和体质状况,科学合理地搭配早膳
    Different conditions of people.

4. 早膳的翻译

4. 从清帝北巡热河的膳单中可以看出,乾隆皇帝最喜欢吃的早膳就是八宝粥。
    Rehe from the Qing emperor patrol north of the meal alone can be seen, the Qianlong emperor's favorite food is rice pudding Zaoshan.

5. 打扫校园、用早膳
    Classes start at 8:00 and go to 18:00 and it's forbidden to sleep in class.
