

早市[zǎo shì]

词典morning market [fair]

早市 汉英大词典

早市[zǎo shì]

morning market [fair]

早市 网络解释

1. Morning Market:营养素热量值(kcal)换算方式.表14 马来西亚营养参考值(NRV)表表15 每克营养素热量值(kcal) 按下表换算和世界卫生组织(WHO)联合食品法典委员会对食品添加剂定义为:食品添加剂是有意识地(wet market),早市(morning market),夜市(night

2. 早市的反义词

2. morning session:噪声治理noise abatement | 早市morning session | 造型艺术formative arts; plastic arts

3. A Morning market:9 Bought and sold 买卖 | A Morning market 早市 | B What do you think of it? 你想到了什么?

4. 早市的近义词

4. ajylb:早熟ajyif | 早市ajylb | 早上ajym

早市 双语例句

1. 他妈妈出去上早市了。
    His mother went out to do some morning shopping.

2. 小城的早市上,他,会说。
    Town's morning market, he would say.

3. 早市的解释

3. 但早市的时间还没到,街上还不是很热闹。
    But the morning before the time that the street is not very lively.

4. 早市什么意思

4. 如早市、集市、不同的超市和商场,及时发现问题和规律,为我们作品的创建提供了非常丰富的资源。
    So we can detect the problems and the law of works in time to provide rich resources for the foundation of our works.

5. 一大早,我们去早市买早餐和饼干。
    I only went out to get breakfast and lunch.

6. 早市的解释

6. 不管怎么,早市结束时,我们这些职员就凑在一起核对记录。
    In any case we clerks get together at the end of a morning session and compare notes.

7. 早市的翻译

7. 美国股市在本周一早市全面上扬。。。
    Stocks climbed in mid-morning trading on Monday...

8. 早市的意思

8. 每周日的早市他都会定期出现,逛逛鱼摊和蔬菜摊,时而伸手蘸取货品时常,时而摇指责问某人。
    No Sunday morning market was complete without Mr Samak cruising the fish and vegetable stalls, finger ready to prod and lick or to wag as he berated someone.

9. 沿著閃爍的烏節路可以作早市的逛街,在小印度或中國城享受午餐,在新加坡動物園裡可以日以繼夜跟著旅行團逛。
    Spend the morning shopping along glitzy Orchard Road, enjoy lunch in Little India or Chinatown, and finish the day with a night safari at the Singapore Zoo.

10. 我发现了一个秘密:奶奶从早市买来廉价的洗面奶当作护手霜来用。
    I found a secret: she used the very cheap soft soap as the lotion to protect her hands.

11. 按山地环境的垂直变化分带发展芒果、香蕉、石榴、早市枇杷等特优水果;
      According to vertical variation of mountainous region it is suggested to mark off belts to develop superior fruit, such as mango, banana, pomegranate, morning market loquat and so on;

12. 现在交易所的早市已经结束。市场内就只剩十来个人,经纪人和顾客都有,三三两两地在那里闲谈。
      The morning session was now over, only a dozen or so brokers and customers remained, chatting in twos and threes.

13. 早市

13. 21岁的他发现很多白领不是太忙就是太累,所以根本没法去早市挑选新鲜产品。
      The 21-year-old noticed that many white collar workers are either too busy or too tired to pick up fresh products at morning markets.

14. 他俩在一个卖东西给渔人吃的早市上用炼乳罐头喝了咖啡。
      They had coffee from condensed-milk cans at an early morning place that served fishermen.

15. 逛早市已经成为许多北京人的习惯。
      Going to morning market has been many people's habit in Beijing.

16. 早市在线翻译

16. 本试验采取随机区组,就不同修剪时期和不同修剪深度对早市茶的品质影响作出了探讨。
      The effect of different pruning date and depth on early marked tea quality was studied.

17. 当你清晨醒来的时候,外面一片寂静,只有纳西妇女的谈话声,或是早市开始忙活了。
      As you wake in the morning it is all quiet bar the chatter of two Naxi women, or perhaps it's the morning market I can hear coming to life?

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. 对于今日早市的最后一点思考:是否这就是经济衰退的图景?
      Final thought for this morning – is this what recession looks like?

19. danci.911cha.com

19. 除了有珊瑚礁外,岛上还有光线柔和带有超宽阳台的房子,有一些海水比较平静的海湾适合孩子游玩。岛上周六早晨有早市,游客们可以在那里买各种各样的热带水果。
      Along with coves buffeted by coral reefs, the island boasts pastel houses with wide verandas, bays with calm waters for children and the Saturday Morning Market, where visitors can buy all manner of tropical fruits.

20. 胡学兵正赶往县城,他要在早市上卖掉今天的豆腐。
      Hu Xuebing is on his way to the county town. He needs to sell his tofu at the morning market.
