


词典the past things旧迹;旧事。


词典historic site古迹。

旧迹 双语例句

1. 我感觉到你捧我时的温暖,就像以前亲吻的那种感觉,难以忘怀,我为你写下深情的赞歌,以此来抚平我心中的旧迹
    Let me write down the deep songs, so that comfort my old mark of deep heart.

2. 如梦季节,我,寻着旧迹,轻轻归来。
    A dream season, I the old track, gently come back.

3. 时间的流逝,淡涤旧迹,仅留下微漠的平淡与悲哀。
    The passage of time, light wash the old tracks, leaving only the dull and sad micro-Mo.

4. 旧迹

4. 加上这时旧迹多湮,河水污染,游人涉及不多了。
    Then add more GENERAL old track, water pollution, a few visitors involved.

5. 历史的旧迹也和肯德基或是各种各样的旅游商店相互交叉着。
    Historical old mark also with Kentuckey perhaps various travelingstore intercross.

6. 直至今天,仍有很多西班牙人遗留下来的陈年旧迹
    Much Spanish influence still remains there today.

7. 旧迹什么意思

7. 城内的麦坚利广场有西班牙时代的市政厅,建于1753年,现在只残留下大门旁的基石旧迹,其余均在第二次世界大战期间毁于炮火之中。
    Kenny wheat town plaza of City Hall there is time in Spain, was built in 1753, and now only residual paraglottic the cornerstone of great old tracks, the rest were destroyed by artillery fire during the Second World War are.

8. 然而造化又常常为庸人设计,以时间的流驶,来洗涤旧迹,仅使留下淡红的血色和微漠的悲哀。在这淡红的血色和微漠的悲哀中,又给人暂得偷生,维持着这似人非人的世界。
    But the Creator's common device for ordinary people is to let the passage of time wash away old traces, leaving only pale-red bloodstains and a vague pain; and he lets men live on ignobly amid these, to keep this quasi-human world going.

9. 旧迹的近义词

9. 这是古长城的旧迹,现在很少有人去爬了。
    This is the remains of the ancient Great Wall, rarely visited by tourists anymore.

10. 然而网路又常常为庸人设计,以浏览量的流驶,来洗涤旧迹,仅使留下淡红的血色和微漠的悲哀。
    However the network frequently designs for the mediocre person, by page view speeding, washes the old mark, only causes to leave behind the pale red scarlet and the micro desert sorrow.

11. 繁华沉淀了旧迹,错过的应该就是要忘记。
      Busy settling the old track, is to forget to be missed.

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12. 苏东坡的旧迹价值连城,被很多人高价收藏。
      Su Dongpo's writings and paintings are of great value, and collected by many at very high prices.
