词典former acquaintance:旧识。
词典old acquaintance:旧好;老相识;旧交;旧识。
词典old friend:故友;旧交;旧知;故人。
1. 嗯,不是在巡回时而是在莫斯科,在这里有很多朋友,我也有不少旧识,一切都很棒
I have enough here, plus I have quite a few good acquaintances so all is well on that front touchwood.
2. 旧识的翻译
2. 挽住征衣为濯尘,阆州斋酿绝芳醇。莺花旧识非生客,山水曾游是故人。
Wanzhuzhengyi for Zhuo dust, Langzhong, a vegetarian must Fangchun brewing.
3. 腓力在前往婚礼会场的途中发现一位旧识:他从前的保镖。
On his way to the ceremony, Philip notices an old acquaintance, a former bodyguard.
4. 没错,我跟她是旧识了
Yes, we go back to Chapin.
5. 我是说 Susan 是你的旧识了。
Bree: Meaning Susan is your oldest friend on this street.
6. 旧识是什么意思
6. 对于书法的感觉绝对不是喜爱或者兴趣,那是像偶遇多年未曾蒙面,又爱又恨的旧识的感觉。
And I have spent most of my time there during the first three years in the university.
7. 911查询·英语单词
7. 这篇论文中,除了考虑到共同的朋友、偶遇、进出朋友圈等因素,我们还考虑了「有限的资源」和「对朋友念不念旧」等对旧识网路造成的影响。
Resources and remembering are considered in addition to common friends, meeting by chance, and leaving and arriving.
8. 旧识很久以前的同学找到我,很开心,因为生活已经离开那个年代太久了,就像从箱底翻出很久前穿过的衣服,依然漂亮,穿上感觉却不同。
My old classmates found me again, feel so happy because long time i am lose contact with them.
9. 就算你不准备介入,你也需要和一个情感关系出现紧张的旧识划清界限。
Others might perceive your mischievous antics as annoying, even if you mean no harm.
10. 旧识的解释
10. 我们只好与新同伴一起骑车旅行:4个法国人和一个瑞士人,均是来自香港的旧识;还有一个身材魁梧的英国人,令人难以置信的是,他竟然是我以前的大学统计教授。
We would instead travel with new cycling companions: four Frenchmen and a Swiss, all old friends from Hong Kong, and one strapping Englishman who, improbably, turned out to be my old statistics professor from university.
11. 旧识的翻译
11. 在某个时间,空气中飘过让你感觉安心与旧识的风,让你的脚步慢了下来,也让你无所适从,不知如何应对。
In a very moment, the air carry the reassuring and deja vu wind, which will retard your pace to enjoy it, it also make you feel at lost, and do not know how to handle this unexpected situation.
12. 旧识的近义词
12. 你和公爵是旧识?
You knew the Duke before?
13. 旧识在线翻译
13. 向旧识道别比结识新朋更难。
It's easier to meet new people, than to say goodbye to friends.