

施威[shī wēi]

词典exhibit one's power施威。


词典show severity施威。


词典display one's power施威。

施威 汉英大词典

施威[shī wēi]

exhibit one's power; show severity; display one's power

施威 双语例句

1. 施威什么意思

1. 其次,表现为对贾琏的施威泼醋作适当节制,王熙凤不是那种泼妇,火候已够即收篷转舵。
    Express secondly for use force Jialian to sprinkle vinegar to make appropriate forbearance, the king's XiFeng isn't that kind of virago, degree of heating already enough namely accept Peng to turn rudder.

2. 美施威尔具有提供从最初概念、到工程以及施工等交钥匙方案的能力。
    M+W has the proven capability to drive turnkey projects to completion, from the initial concept and engineering through construction to successful hand-over meeting your individual needs.

3. 施威

3. 自1994年建立以来,美施威尔有限公司以迅猛的发展势头,已扩张至正式雇员为500多名的大型跨国企业。
    M+w zer co., ltd is established by 1994 in china. now we own around 500 employees because of our fast development.

4. 施威是什么意思

4. 拉塞尔?施威卡特身为太空探险家联合会和前宇航员俱乐部的成员,曾经偕同他的同事一起去游说联合国,使其将小行星撞击计划提上议程。
    Rusty Schweickart, a member of the Association of Space Explorers, a club of ex-astronauts and cosmonauts, has been working with his colleagues to lobby the United Nations to put asteroid-impact planning on the agenda.

5. 美施威尔有限公司是美施威尔集团在中国设立的负责设施解决方案的独资公司。
    Ltd., is a wholly owned foreign enterprise and part of the global Facility Solutions division of the M+W Group.

6. 马英九竭力强调我们不必被迫做出没有必要或不愉快的让步,但任何表明北京正设法悄悄对台湾施威的迹象都会激起公愤。
    Mr Ma has been at pains to emphasise that we don't have to be forced into unnecessary or unpleasant concessions, but any signs that Beijing is quietly trying to exert authority over Taiwan still rile.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 她是名狂热的女权主义者,认为所有男人都想对妇女施威
    She is a rabid feminist who believes that all men want to exercis power over women.

8. 果彼,闭于于油气勘探开收,当反在齐里入行石油地量和工程技巧论证的基本上科教评价其实施威宽险。
    As a result, oil and gas exploration should be taken up in petroleum engineering and geological appraisal on the basis of scientific risk assessment of its implementation.

9. 国王施威于臣民是完全可以接受的一种情形。
    A king who exercises his authority over his subjects is quite acceptable.

10. 施威

10. 美施威尔中国是一家总部设在德国斯图加特,杰欧集团的下属公司,在高科技制造厂房总承包领域占世界领先地位。
    M W Zander China is part of the global M W Zander family with head office in stuttgart, germany, a future-oriented company of jenoptik ag, is a leading international supplier of turnkey high-tech manufacturing plants.

11. 美施威尔中国是美施威尔全球大家庭的一员,在为高科技生产设施和工业设施提供综合设施工程服务方面居于领先地位。
      M W Zander China is part of the global M W Zander family, a leading provider of comprehensive facility engineering services for high-tech manufacturing facilities and industrial facilities.
