



词典help in charity施助。

施助 双语例句

1. 施助在线翻译

1. 还有一些已经支离破碎的,我们可能无法施助
    And some are so broken that they may be beyond help.

2. 耐心、专注,以及为需要帮助者和愿意施助者之间牵线搭桥的能力。
    Patience, focus, and an ability to match people's needs to other people who are able to give.

3. 施助是什么意思

3. 似乎政府的施助政策所针对的加拿大人只限于那些深处异国、陷入困境、又未列入不受欢迎之列的人。
    The government seems to have a policy of helping only those Canadians in trouble abroad

4. 施助的近义词

4. 所具有的这项教导和施助的权柄来自天父,因为「神……以圣灵和能力膏〔抹〕……耶稣,……因为神与祂同在」。8
    This authority to teach and minister came from His Heavenly Father, for God anointed Jesus...

5. 施助的近义词

5. 爱是沿途施助予人。
    Love helps them along the road.

6. 施助的意思

6. 在你年青的时代你已看到了他的荣耀;因此,你已蒙受了他将在肉身中施助的那些人所要蒙受的同样的祝福;因为灵是不变的,昨天,今天,直到永远,都是不变的,那道路是从人类坠落时起就已预备好了,救恩是不吝啬的。
    And thou hast beheld in thy youth his glory; wherefore, thou art blessed even as they unto whom he shall minister in the flesh; for the Spirit is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. And the way is prepared from the fall of man, and salvation is free.

7. 施助的近义词

7. 在你看来似乎是施助的行为在别人眼中可能就会被解读成一种干涉。
    What may seem helpful behaviour to you can be construed as interference by others

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. 但他们往往对当地的人民和本土文化知之甚少,缺乏施助的必备技能。
    But often they know little about the local people and their culture, and lack the necessary skills to help them.
