

方寸已乱[fāng cùn yǐ luàn]

词典One's heart is already upset.方寸已乱。

词典greatly excited [agitated]

词典One's heart is confused [troubled].

词典with one's heart troubled and confused方寸已乱。

方寸已乱 汉英大词典

方寸已乱[fāng cùn yǐ luàn]

One's heart is already upset.; greatly excited [agitated]; One's heart is confused [troubled].; with one's heart troubled and confused; with one's mind in a turmoil

方寸已乱 网络解释

1. 方寸已乱的近义词

1. greatly agitated:great variety 品种齐全 | greatly agitated 方寸已乱 | greedy for women 好色如命

方寸已乱 双语例句

1. 方寸已乱

1. 这几天不知是什么事把我搞得方寸已乱的。
    I don`t know what has set my nerves on edge these days.

2. 我像一个方寸已乱、神经失常的人似的胡思乱想了一阵,就回到我的防御工事里去。
    After innumerable fluttering thoughts, like a man perfectly confused and out of myself, I came home to my fortification.

3. 方寸已乱的反义词

3. 他讪讪地住了嘴,但方寸已乱,因为自己笨嘴拙舌很感到难为情。
    He broke off lamely. He was confused, painfully conscious of his inarticulateness.

4. 方寸已乱的意思

4. 他发现,当他感到自己方寸已乱时,他就先深吸一口气,然后走向讲台--这样一般可以使他放松。
    He discovered that when he felt himself tightening up, he could just take a deep breath and walk to the side of podium-and that would usually cause him to relax.

5. 方寸已乱的近义词

5. 我像一个方寸已乱、神经失常的人似的胡思乱想了一阵,拔腿就往我的防御工事跑去,就像脚不沾地一样。
    But after innumerable fluttering thoughts, like a man perfectly confus'd and out of my self, I came home to my fortification, not feeling, as we say, the ground.

6. 他讪讪地住了嘴,但方寸已乱,因为自己笨嘴拙舌很感到难为情。
    He broke off lamely.

7. 他瞥了一眼露丝,想求得镇静,像个忽然害怕船只沉没而方寸已乱急于找救生衣的乘客。
    He glanced at Ruth for reassurance, much in the same manner that a passenger, with sudden panic thought of possible shipwreck, will strive to locate the life preservers.

8. 面对困难,他方寸已乱
    His mind is in a turmoil before the great difficulties.
