

新巧[xīn qiǎo]


词典strange and exquisite新巧。

新巧 汉英大词典

新巧[xīn qiǎo]

strange and exquisite

新巧 双语例句

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1. 在款式方面,除了保持旗袍流畅的线条外,服装大师们在设计剪裁时,保留旗袍结构严谨,线条流畅,没有任何不必要的带,袢,袋等附件的特点;在工艺上采用收肩,饰花,穿珠片,刺绣等手法,加强肌理效果,在构造上,采用琵琶襟,如意襟,低襟,高领,低领,无领等,同时又把绘画等姊妹艺术也作为旗袍装饰的手段,那些画有花,鸟,京剧脸谱等图案的旗袍,不仅设计新巧,而且风格典雅,富有韵味,把服装和绘画融为一体,打破了原来穿着不够舒服的构造,使之一展新容,成为国际服装舞台上的奇葩。
    In the design aspect, besides maintained the smooth line of cheongsam, clothing design masters retained its rigorous structure, do not have any nonessential accessories such as belt, button-fastening loop, appendix bag and so on; in craft aspect, abbreviating the shoulder part, useing the decoration flower and embroidery, all these things enhances the skin texture effect; structurally, not only adopting the pipa front, the pleasant lapel, the low lapel, the hich collar, the low collar, even on collar, but also involving its sisters art, such as drawing, to make decorations for cheongsam. Those cheongsam on which drown flowers, birds, and makeups in Peking opera, are exotic and elegant. Graft the drawing onto the clothing design and improve the originally structure which is insufficiently comfortable, the new style cheongsam become a marvellous achivement on the international clothing stage Moreover, the production technology innovation, the technical process improvement, the new material use, all of these has poured the new blood into the Chinese dress development.

2. 宴赏是《红楼梦》中的重要情节,大型宴赏在前八十回中超过十次,每次宴赏曹雪芹都精心选择、巧妙安排、新巧绝俗、意蕴深沉。
    Banquet enjoyment is an important plot in Dream of Red Chamber. There were over ten large banquets enjoyment in the first eighty chapters. Every banquet enjoyment was chosen and arranged carefully.

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3. 他有些诗句运用的比喻和拟人新巧精妙;有些诗句写景清新,运用迭字,显得活泼俏皮。
    The use of some of his poems were new to be clever metaphors and subtle; some fresh verses describe the scenery, the use of Diego characters, lively and playful look.
