1. 新好
1. 这只十一岁大的公鹦鹉边抬腿边摇头大叫,晃动鲜黄色的冠毛跟著这个男孩团体的畅销曲《新好男孩回来了》打拍子,甚至还会在这首一九九七年的流行曲唱完时鞠躬。
The 11-year-old cockatoo lifts his legs, squawks and bobs his head, flashing his bright yellow crest to the beat of the boy band's hit song Everybody (Backstreet's Back). He even takes a bow at the end of the 1997 pop song.
2. 东西 新好,朋友老亲。
Every thing is good when new but friends when old.
3. I want it that way,我就是要那样新好男孩合唱团你是我的火焰是我所渴求。。。
I want it that way Backstreet Boys You are my fire. The one desire...
4. 新好的近义词
4. 什麼是加快的新好男人?
What is the quickening of the new man?
5. 新好是什么意思
5. 我之所以把自己学到的新好水合,自令人感到口渴疼痛。
I learned a new reason to keep myself well hydrated, since thirsty people feel more pain.
6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全
6. 一旦我像响尾蛇蜕皮似地把脸换了,那么就会诞生一位健康、魅力无限的新好男人。进而,安吉莉娜和我将会收养更多的小孩。
Once I've discarded my face like a rattlesnake shedding its skin, a new, healthier, more attractive man will emerge, and Angelina and I will adopt more kids.
7. 布鲁克讨厌《新好男孩》!
Brooke hates the Backstreet Boys!
8. 白宝以南,两河以北地区的生态环境最为敏感,视塘、文市、水车和新好等地区次之,西山、洞井以北等地生态环境的敏感程度相对较低。
The region from the south of Baibao and that from the north of Lianghe present most sensitive environment, while Jiantang, Wenshi, Shuiche and Xinxu take second place and Xishan, north from Dongjing remains relatively lower.