

斫断[zhuó duàn]



斫断 双语例句

1. 司空玄听得四周被闪电貂咬过的人不住口怪声呻叫,料想这貂毒确是难当已极,否则这些人都是极要面子的好汉,纵使给人斫断一手一脚,也不能哼叫一声。他们早已由旁人敷上了解治蛇毒的药物,但听着这呻吟之声,显然本帮素有灵验的蛇药并不生效,更有人取出治蝎毒,治蜈蚣毒,治毒蜘蛛毒的诸般药,在给闪电貂咬过的小帮众身上试用,那些人只有叫得更加惨厉。
    Indeed its poison was extremely odd and unbearable, the master inferred, hearing his hurt men's weird groan: none of them, as face-valuing man, even if one of his hands or legs were cut off, would utter a groan, but now they did, though to all of their wounds, effective antidotes against snake-bite had been applied, proving they didn't work—some of them, to whose wounds, antidotes against scorpion-bite, or centipede-bite, or spider-bites were applied, groaned even louder.

2. 斫断的近义词

2. 司空玄听得四周被闪电貂咬过的人不住口怪声呻叫,料想这貂毒确是难当已极,否则这些人都是极要面子的好汉,纵使给人斫断一手一脚,也不能哼叫一声。他们早已由旁人敷上了解治蛇毒的药物,但听着这呻吟之声,显然本帮素有灵验的蛇药并不生效,更有人取出治蝎毒、治蜈蚣毒、治毒蜘蛛毒的诸般药,在给闪电貂咬过的小帮众身上试用,那些人只有叫得更加惨厉。
    Indeed its poison was extremely odd and unbearable, the master inferred, hearing his hurt men`s weird groan: none of them, as face-valuing man, even if one of his hands or legs was cut off, would utter a groan, but now they did, though to all of their wounds, effective antidotes against snake-bite had been applied, proving they didn`t work—some of them, to whose wounds, antidotes against scorpion-bite, or centipede-bite, or spider-bites were applied, groaned even louder.
