斩钉截铁[zhǎn dīng jié tiě]
词典resolute and decisive:斩钉截铁。
词典categorical with grim determination:斩钉截铁。
词典make it definitely clear:斩钉截铁。
斩钉截铁[zhǎn dīng jié tiě]
resolute and decisive; categorical; categorical with grim determination; make it definitely clear; make sure there is no mistake about sth.; show firm determination; speak in unequivocal [categorical] terms; with decision and dispatch; without mincing word
give a categorical answer;
He spoke with curt finality.
1. And a clean break:Atomic wedgy.|力拔千钧 | And a clean break.|斩钉截铁 | - Clean break. Excellent wedge. - Yeah. All right.|- 斩钉截铁,力拔千钧 - 好啊,好啊
2. 斩钉截铁的意思
2. incisively:
70.粗枝大叶 to do sth. in broad stroke or rough outline/ in a crude and careless way |
71.斩钉截铁 incisively |
72.引经据典 with learned quote