

斩新[zhǎn xīn]


斩新 双语例句

1. 我学会了独自迎接斩新的一天。
    I got to meet the day, every day alone.

2. 斩新是什么意思

2. 又像我第一次看见我表哥的斩新的火鸟汽车。
    And first time I saw my cousin's brand new fire bird.

3. 虽然如此,许多银行为了淘汰过去的营利要素,还是有任务要寻找一组斩新的营利要素。
    That still leaves many banks with the task of finding a new set of profit drivers to replace the old ones.

4. 伟大的著作往往直接提炼于真实的生活,通过阅读,我们对人生有了广阔,密切且斩新的认识,这也正是文学的魅力所在。
    A great book grows directly out of life: in reading it, we are brought into large, close, and fresh relations with life; and in that fact lies the final explanation of its power.

5. 她充分发挥每个思维理念所蕴含的价值,将斩新的创意与技术结合,提供富于动感和想象的设计,为客户提供世界一流的市场推广方案和服务,打造和提升品牌的价值。
    Ltd. is an ideas design-driven enterprise which, in strategic alliance with technology partners, strives to be a financially successful company that provides high quality creative services through the efficient deployment of best global resources.

6. 斩新的近义词

6. 以前的黄泥路不见了,现在变成斩新的水泥路。
    Road, Wong Nai ago disappeared, and now into the new cement road cut.
