

斩关夺隘[zhǎn guān duó ài]

词典capture many strategic points斩关夺隘。

词典take pass after pass斩关夺隘。

斩关夺隘 汉英大词典

斩关夺隘[zhǎn guān duó ài]

capture many strategic points; take pass after pass

斩关夺隘 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 后来鄂尔泰因是满洲贵胄,有斩关夺隘的功劳,凭着真本事人阁拜相,自然对张廷玉暗存芥蒂……这些个公私怨恨各人自己心里雪亮。
    This arrangement also irritated Yang Mingshi. Years later, Erertai managed to prove his capabilities as a member of the Manchu royal family, and he eventually became a minister.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 后来他又担任先遣司令,率领部队斩关夺隘,为长征开辟前进道路。
    Later, under his command the vanguard detachment of the Chinese Workers'and Peasants'Red Army captured one strategic point after another and thus paved the way for the Long March.

3. 斩关夺隘

3. 后来他又担任先遣司令,率领部队斩关夺隘,为长征开辟前进道路。
    Later, under his command the vanguard detachment of the Chinese Workers'and Peasants'Red Army captured one strategic point after another and thus pave d the way for the Long March.
