

斗方[dǒu fāng]


词典sheets about one foot square with inscription for pasting on wall

斗方 汉英大词典

斗方[dǒu fāng]

(一二尺见方的诗幅或书画页) sheets about one foot square with inscription for pasting on wall

斗方 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 绵竹年画有门画、画条、斗方等品种,技法细腻,造形质仆、粗犷,色彩鲜明,深受西南、西北以及其他一些地区群众的喜爱,并远销东南亚、欧美等国家和地区。
    Continous bamboo New Year picture has a picture, picture, bottle just wait for breed, ability law is exquisite, shaping qualitative fall forward, straightforward, flaming, get southwest, northwest and a few otherer of area masses love, sell as far as to southeast Asia, Euramerican wait for country and area.

2. 斗方

2. 中国画的画幅形式较为多样,横向展开的有长卷、横披,纵向展开的有条幅、中堂,盈尺大小的有册页、斗方,画在扇面上面的有折扇、团扇等。
    China painting frame form more diverse, launched a horizontal scroll, Guangpi, launched a vertical scroll, Zhong-Tang, Yingche size of a page, Zhu Fang, the fan-like in the painting above a folding fans, fan, etc..

3. 他没有什么真才实学,不过是个斗方名士。
    He is not so much a man of genuine ability and learning as a pretender to culture and refinement.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 据说张大师作画多用斗方,初稿画出后先托表上一层命纸,然后再在原画上添笔补墨,接著便轮番地转动斗方画稿,直到汁液绘出理想的图案为止。
    The story goes that Master Zhang usually painted on square drawing paper. After the first draft is painted, a layer of padding paper was back mounted on the draft before Master Zhang continued to improve the draft and added in the ink on the original draft and then alternatively rotated the square drawing paper until the ink brought out the ideal picture.
