

Apply the same;
敷同 双语例句

1. 她真是幸运了…当我敷着面膜等待的15分钟里,我想像他和我一样敷着同一样面膜(我对治疗师说要求敷同他一样的面膜,这里提供2种服务)躺在同一个房间,这让我心如鹿撞,我感到和他是如此接近,我和他躺在同一张床呢!
    He told her he taking care of daily skincare too. How's lucky she was.. You should see me on that day, when I have mask and wait for 15 minutes, I was thinking of he's here, laying like me, having mask same like me(I told her I like to have same like him and they have 2 different services) in this room I've got gooshbumps and feels so close to him, like munn said same bed with him hee hee.
