

数九[shǔ jiǔ]

词典the nine periods (of nine days each) following the winter solstice

数九 汉英大词典

数九[shǔ jiǔ]

the nine periods (of nine days each) following the winter solstice

数九 双语例句

1. 数九

1. 在数九的冬天哪里来的蝉叫?
    Where does the sound of cicada come from in the depth of winter?

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 从汉代起,有冬至次日开始数九的风俗,九九毕而冬尽春来。
    From the Han Dynasty, Chinese people formed the custom of counting days from the first day after

3. 数九

3. 要不是英国正处于数九严寒中,而南非则正值盛夏,这件衣服可能也没有那么醒目。
    This would not be significant except that one country was in the middle of winter and the other the middle of summer.

4. 数九隆冬,地冻天寒,那傲雪而放的梅花,开得那么鲜丽。
    Beginning of winter frost depth of winter, to freeze, Ao-xue and the release of the plum blossom, the so beautiful.

5. 冬至日的前夜称为「冬至夜」。冬至日是数九寒天的第一天,俗谚「冬至交九」,从冬至日开始即进入「数九天」。古时冬至节气是计算二十四节气的起点。因冬至节以往是仅次於新年的重要节日,所以又俗称「亚岁」。在民间广泛流传着「冬至大如年」的说法,意指冬至的礼俗如同过新年春节一样隆重。冬至还有「新正」、「如正」、「喜冬」、「交冬」、「消寒节」、「一阳节」、「履长节」等称谓。
    Depending on the shift of the calendar, the winter solstice occurs some time between December 20 and December 23 each year in the northern hemisphere, and between June 20 and June 23 in the southern hemisphere, during either the shortest day or the longest night of the year, which is not to be confused with the darkest day or night, or the day with the earliest sunset or latest sunrise.

6. 你们给我们的温暖,好像数九寒天怀里的小手炉儿,暖了手,暖了心。
    You have given us warmth. Like a hot-water bag in winter, our hands are warm and so are our hearts.

7. 而月季,除了数九寒天,它都敞开心扉,无私地装点着我们的生活呀!
    And Rose, apart from the beginning of winter frost cold days, open their hearts to it selfless decorate it with our lives!

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. 数九寒天,只有将我们的热情和努力汇聚在共同目标的周围,最终我们才会不感到贫乏,躯体的和精神的。
    It needs one generation or generations to brave it… In the depth of winter, let us join our efforts to common purpose and fullfil both our starved bodies and hungry minds.

9. 数九是什么意思

9. 几乎每个男人在他的一生中都曾经面对这样的情景而忍俊不禁:一个妇女在数九寒天里穿着薄薄的衣衫瑟瑟发抖,或者穿着精制的鞋子款款地踏过深深的积雪。
    There are hardly be a man who hasn`t atsome time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shivering in aflimsy dress on a wintry day, or delicately picking her way throughdeep snow in dainty shoes.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 几乎每个男人在他的一生中都曾经面对这样的情景而忍俊不禁:一个妇女在数九寒天里穿着薄薄的衣衫瑟瑟发抖,或者穿着精制的鞋子款款地踏过深深的积雪。
    There are hardly be a man who hasn`t at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shivering in a flimsy dress on a wintry day, or delicately picking her way through deep snow in dainty shoes.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 你如果以为在数九寒冬我跟你一道去游泳,那可简直是发疯。
      If you think I'm going swimming with you in the middle of winter, you're nutty as a fruitcake.

12. 数九什么意思

12. 美国东海岸现在正是数九寒冬、风雪肆虐,对于温血动物而言这可真难熬。
      As a bitter winter storm rages on the east coast, its hard to knock being warm-blooded.
