

敬谢不敏[jìng xiè bù mǐn]

词典beg to be excused敬谢不敏。

词典decline a request politely敬谢不敏。


词典politely refuse to do sth.敬谢不敏。

敬谢不敏 汉英大词典

敬谢不敏[jìng xiè bù mǐn]


(表示推辞做某件事的客气话) beg to be excused; decline a request politely; politely refuse to do sth.

敬谢不敏 双语例句

1. 霍坦西奥即使我是个身无立锥之地的穷光蛋,她愿意倒贴一座金矿嫁给我,我也要敬谢不敏的。
    HORTENSIO. That, were my state far worser than it is, I would not wed her for a mine of gold.

2. 说“敬谢不敏”,丢在垃圾桶的礼物。
    Say, " no thanks " and toss the gift in the garbage can.

3. 对这种全新的开放思维,我是敬谢不敏
    Saint: Well, in this new found spirit of openness and understanding, I don't want to.

4. 尤达与班都对於物质财富的追求以及银河中其他的热闹地点敬谢不敏
    Yoda and Ben both seem to have eschewed material possessions and the clutter found elsewhere in the galaxy.

5. 敬谢不敏的反义词

5. 科学家已经研究出来,为什麼蚊子会直冲某些人而去,对其他人却几乎敬谢不敏
    Scientists have worked out why mosquitoes make a beeline for certain people but appear to leave others almost untouched.

6. 敬谢不敏的反义词

6. 让那些无忧无虑的公子哥儿们去卖弄他们的舞步吧;莫怪我说句老气横秋的话,我对于这玩意儿实在敬谢不敏,还是做个壁上旁观的人吧。
    The game was ne`er so fair, and I am done.

7. 对於高科技股巴菲特敬谢不敏,他说:「对於高科技产业我们并不具备独到眼光能洞悉何者能具有长久的竞争优势,所以我们宁愿选择我们所懂的
    We have no insights into which participants in the tech field possess a truly durable competitive advantage.

8. 敬谢不敏的近义词

8. 让那些无忧无虑的公子哥儿们去卖弄他们的舞步吧;莫怪我说句老气横秋的话,我对于这种玩意儿实在敬谢不敏,还是作个壁上旁观的人吧。
    The game was ne'er so fair, and I am done.

9. 敬谢不敏的翻译

9. 敬谢不敏不过既然这危及到她的婚姻
    Charlotte would shy away from, but since her marriage was shy of wood...

10. 敬谢不敏在线翻译

10. 通常来说,狗肉很好吃;不过凉拌狗皮除外,我一向对那个敬谢不敏
    As a general rule, dog is good to eat, apart from dog skin salad, which I generally try to dodge.

11. 说“敬谢不敏”,丢在垃圾桶的礼物。
      Say," no thanks " and toss the gift in the garbage can.

12. 敬谢不敏的意思

12. 众所皆知顾客到星巴克喝饮料,不论是休憩自处,还是社交,无非是喜爱店里舒适的装潢氛围,并追求好品质的饮品,而不同於咖啡,中国茶的喝法,会将茶叶冲泡一或二次饮用,苦涩的饮茶口感是不甚理想的,这也许是星巴克可以重新评估,予以改善的地方,徜若他们不希望品茗行家对这个超棒的新点子敬谢不敏的话。
      We all know customers go into Starbucks loving its comfy decor and looking for the best quality beverage. The person may either take a break by his or her self or for social occasion gatherings. Unlike coffee, the Chinese tea should be brewed for one or two times. Not just let the tea filtering holder immerse in the mug and get served over the table. The drinking experience of tasting an astringent flavor is a no-no and an area which Starbucks needs to reevaluate if they don't want a connoisseur of tea drinking to completely shun away from this great offer.
